Virgin Media Broadband 20MB

25 Oct 2005
Robert said:
Yeah we know it's true - it was leaked by a VM employee and then confirmed by VM dudes on their newsgroups :p
I know it's been happening because I've been in the trial area for 20Mbit and this traffic-shaping for months, but I was previously told about fifty times by Virgin Media technicians that the traffic-shaping idea was being dropped on 1st May when all the 20Mbit officially rolls out.

Now it isn't, and I'm damn mad about it. This company is nothing but lies and bad service.



21 Oct 2005
got upgraded to 20mbt on Teus (uddi Area Scotland) got a prob hope someone here can help with, need a new wireless router, current router will only let me d/l max @ 10mbt, get 17-19mbt on test without router :)

Running Vista x32, what would any 1 recomend, wireless router 2 cope with new VM upgrades, any help would be grt :)
25 Oct 2005
Rab said:
got upgraded to 20mbt on Teus (uddi Area Scotland) got a prob hope someone here can help with, need a new wireless router, current router will only let me d/l max @ 10mbt, get 17-19mbt on test without router :)

Running Vista x32, what would any 1 recomend, wireless router 2 cope with new VM upgrades, any help would be grt :)
I just got one of these and it's awesome.
20 Oct 2002
Ulfhedjinn said:
I hate them so much lately. I am moving out soon, and I don't really fancy going on ADSL when I do. :(

well I hope you won't be as unlucky as my mate's brother.

He was on the 10mb Virgin package and knew nothing about the 20mb upgrade, so decided he would move to Sky and get 16mb for the same price as he was paying for 10mb.

Once Sky bb was installed, he discovered that the maximum speed he could get was 256kb/s as he has a really old phone line. Sky won't let him move to a cheaper package because he has signed the contract for the "up to" 16mb package.

Now he has just found out that if he'd stayed with Virgin, his 10mb connection would have been upgraded to 20mb for free (his UBR was upgraded yesterday).

I'm sure he'll get out of the Sky contract somehow or get it sorted, but he wasn't happy. :)
25 Oct 2005
Aye I'm already on Virgin 20Mbit, but I am totally ick of the caps. I'd probably switch to Be Unlimited if I moved or get the 4Mbit package back on Virgin as it would be harder to cap.
20 Oct 2002
North West
Just to be clear - these aren't caps. Also - they may only appear between 4-12. Personally I think they'll probably be put to most use in areas with high contention - until upgrades are done.
25 Oct 2005
Robert said:
Just to be clear - these aren't caps. Also - they may only appear between 4-12. Personally I think they'll probably be put to most use in areas with high contention - until upgrades are done.
Traffic shaping and caps are both just as bad.

If I download for ~10-20min on my 20Mbit connection I'm cut down to 4Mbit for hours, I might as well be paying for 4Mbit rather than putting up with this utter tosh. Don't you agree?

They definitely don't just appear after 4pm either, I know from experience. :(
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Ulfhedjinn said:
Traffic shaping and caps are both just as bad.

If I download for ~10-20min on my 20Mbit connection I'm cut down to 4Mbit for hours, I might as well be paying for 4Mbit rather than putting up with this utter tosh. Don't you agree?

They definitely don't just appear after 4pm either, I know from experience. :(

Totally agree with you.

Will this capping happen all the time, or just during 'peak hours'? What do they define as 'peak hours'?
25 Oct 2005
DreXeL said:
Totally agree with you.

Will this capping happen all the time, or just during 'peak hours'? What do they define as 'peak hours'?
Everyone keeps saying it's just on peak hours, and 4pm-12am is the figure being thrown about, but I can tell you from personal experience that it's at all hours of the day. Virgin Media have been trialling 20Mbit and traffic-shaping in my city for months now, and it's all hours of the day.

I really think that I might just downgrade all the way back down to a 4Mbit connection, because if I need to download something large (say a Linux Distribution, updates for an MMO, game betas, etc. that I use a lot) then I am going to be thrown down to 4Mbit speeds within ten to twenty minutes and it completely defeats the point of having a 20Mbit connection at all. :(
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Man of Honour
8 Jan 2003
Hang on, some people are mis reading the throttling. As I read it, the guy said it would cut down to 5Mbit, but then the more official announcement he quoted said the connection would be HALVED. So, if you're on 20Mbit, you would be cut down to 10Mbit. Which, in a way isn't bad. The 20Mbit upgrade is free and I'm happy paying ~£37 for a 10Mbit connection, but if they want to give me a free upgrade to 20Mbit and then throttle me down to 10Mbit if I use it too much that's fine as I'm paying for a 10Mbit connection.

Why am I always the bearer of bad news?

Subscriber traffic management has been implemented across the whole network, there will be defined download limits that when reached will halve the broadband speed for four hours.

The FAQ will be published tomorrow on the virginmedia website.
So, the 5Mbit as I see it came from the guy just halving the current 10MBit speed, but when we're upgraded to 20Mbit, half that will be 10Mbit ;)
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