Virgin Media Discussion Thread

if you get offers, get them noted in your account (they can write notes) and also, get an email with it in writing.

I've been screwed over by virgin reps saying diff things, and others not upholding offers etc.
General Configuration
Network Access : Allowed
Maximum Number of CPEs : 1
Baseline Privacy : Enabled
Config File :
Primary Downstream Service Flow
SFID : 7492
Max Traffic Rate : 53000000 bps
Max Traffic Burst : 10000 bytes
Min Traffic Rate : 0 bps
Primary Upstream Service Flow
SFID : 7491
Max Traffic Rate : 1750000 bps
Max Traffic Burst : 3044 bytes
Min Traffic Rate : 0 bps
Max Concatenated Burst : 0 bytes
Scheduling Type : Best Effort

50meg installed yesterday with D-Link router.

Got XXL BB, XLtv, XLphone, V+ and extra box. Also Sports and movies package for the princely sum of £64 amonth with no installation or activation fee:D
(Good thing about having mates who work there)
Had 50mbit installed yesterday, but I can't seem to download at anything more than about 5500kB/s

This is with astraweb btw

Surely it should be faster?
How are people finding 50mbit at the moment? Still some issues? Am tempted to phone up and see what they could offer.
Got mine instaled yesterday, so far it's been great. Getting 51/1.55 on

The router seems quite good also, the the d-link 615 one & has Qos etc.....good for a chucked in bonus imho.

Even webpages like thetvdb load really quickly now, I always had a wait with that one.
I'd jump on the 50mb bandwagon but I'm stuck in a contract. :(

Is there anyway I could upgrade despite being in a contract, would it be possible for them to just extended it or something?

No problems with contracts, been with VM for 5/6 years and not a problem, so I'm more than happy to take up another contract.
Got a cold call from Virgin today, asking me to take on their phone. I already have the 10mb BB which I pay just under £19 for, this is the only service from Virgin I have. The price was a trial offer due to expire in 3 months.

But I'm stuck in a contract with BT for my phone, which I tell them. No problem sir, the phone will be free...the conversation goes on etc..

To cut a long story short I asked about their 50mb BB, mainly to speed up things like PlayStation Network downloads, streaming etc. Plus the wireless router they supplied (Netgear WNR2000) really is crap and was thinking of buying a better one. No need now as the 50mb comes with a new modem and router :). So, free installation, a one-off £20 'activation fee' then £39pm for 50mb BB, TV (won't use ever), phone (won't use atm), seems like a good deal.

I have high hopes of getting somewhere near the 50mb as I get about 9.6mb with my current 10mb package. I shall find out next month!
Just had mine installed today but sadly I am on a sleepover at work and not back until tomorrow morning.

I had to phone the wife and get her to do some speed tests (fun and games). Apparently the engineer was in for over 2 hours and in that time he replaced the modem 3 times.

I only got 30mbps in speedtest but Astraweb was constantly moving between 44 and 48mbps which is odd as its speed is usually quite constant. Anyway I shall check it out tomorrow.

Is it quite normal for the speed to fluctuate like adsl in the beginning?.
I had virgin 50Mb service installed on Saturday, get 44Mb/1.6Mb to the speedtest London server. A steam download during Saturday evening averaged ~2MBps, which isn't bad, and a huge improvement over the average 450KBps I was getting. Overall I'm extremely impressed, especially as when I phoned BT ysterday to cancel my services (Phone, Upto8M option3, and BT vision), and discovered that Virgin had already canceled my Phone and BB, and that BT weren't trying to extract the last 2-3 months of my contract out of me (In fact they now owe me £150 - WIN).
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having had 50mb for over a week now i have to say it's just great. Speedtest gives me random speeds though ranging from 200+ down to 55+.

Best thing i've noticed is a driver update which was 13mb and downloaded in 1 second and at the weekend i reinstalled Win7 etc and downloaded all the updates for win7, office 2007 etc, which completed in no time at all. Going from format > finished was all well under an hour.

I did have a slow connection on Steam though last night when installing Dirt 2. it was running at 800kbps so i paused it for half an hour and then tried again. jumped upto 3mb +. sweet.

got to say i would hate to go back to anything slower now. it's just amazing
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