My 50 meg is still going strong, it picked up over christmas to an acceptable level, cos the students buggered off, now they're back, and the good old reliable virgin 50meg service is back...
Cant even do a because it lags out as we have OVER 90% PACKET LOSS!!!
ARGGGHHH i hate virgin media so much. If i knew the people who were directly responsible for refusing to invest in any server equipment in newcastle i would happily stamp on their head until they died. I feel it would help me feel slightly better.
Literally cant even load websites, especially on weekends, like when was that speedtest i posted? about half an hour ago or something? it has taken that long for me to load these forums and post this. It is an absolute joke.
For anyone going to Newcastle University if you somehow come across this thread when googling if virgin media is good.. IT'S NOT! it's the worst service ever!
Edit: Internet is picking up slightly as it gets deeper into the early hours of the morning, managed to actually complete a pingtest
a sterling result i'm sure you'll agree.
Man what i wouldn't give for some adsl. My o2 at home is unbelievable perfect, i get grade A on pingtest to Los angeles!
Copper wire till i die...and i will be dead before i ever buy anything from virgin media again, hell even if they offered me everything for free i would still refuse it. 56K dial-up is actually better than 50meg, which you think is hyperbole, but its genuinely true. at least you never got packet loss, you could online game on dial-up...not on virgin.