Just how bad is the fair usage/trafficking on 50MB?
Traffic shaping appears to be in place on all teirs now, P2P, Steam, Usenet, and several other things are being reported by various user all over the web and in VM's own usenet group.
5pm -12am Weedays and 12pm -12am on Weekends these will be slowed 25% or less of your maximum downloard rate.
E.g. Usenet Should see about 6.00MB/s for a good news provider but currently you are seeing aroung 900-1400Kbps if you are lucky.
What the hell? Is this true? I have only had 50mb for a few months.
Just trying it now off Astraweb and I'm getting 3 MB/s average, seems very up and down though so could just be heavy traffic?
Astraweb (443) & Giganews (563) still pulling in 6MB/s for me, both SSL
As far as I can see the 50meg is not traffic managed.
been using during peek hours to re-download my Steam games.