Give me a bios screen shot from your board. All the DRAM options and the voltage options and I will help yes. I only have ROG boards but I can for sure tune DIMMS on any ASUS bios.
I had some free time this morning to get screen shots!! Hope these are ok
you might need to raise qpi/vtt brian on gigabyte boards,around the 1.1v mark from stock 1.05v,dram voltage can be anywhere from 1.55v-1.65v
ones for the imc in the cpu,it will be at 1.05v at stock
i got a set coming with my order, cant wait to fiddle around with them
its perfect ram for large cpu heatsinks,i can drive a bus between them and my d14
I'm just about to read the thread from the start but if there are any crosshair IV owners out there who maybe able to help im all ears, my problem is I want to run the ram at 2000 but when I set it at that it messes my cpu oc up, my cpu is at 3769 17x221 and the ram is currently at 887x2 = 1774