War Thunder - Free PS4 WW2 Fighter Jet Game - Tips, Tricks, etc

It is a grind fest, but.... once you clock on to how to lock on and shoot properly any plane can suceed, been having a ball myself :)
Close up to a victim, press l2 once target goes red, your plane will then gollow them while you got l2 pressed, back off a little to allow them to think you left, then shoot them down sevond they fly 'normal'
I use simplified controls as its far easier to fly, just point where you want to go but be aware that the planes wont turn as fast as you want.

Press X to select a target and then fly over to them. You can hold L2 any time after you have selected a target and it will follow the target itself so you can concentrate on shooting. Once you get to know the planes you can choose your fights better, No point chasing a spitfire in your wellington etc as you won't catch it and it will kill you if you do.

It's not really a grind fest if you enjoy it, Some things can take a lot longer to research like better guns or bombers but if you kill some stuff every game then it won't take too long. I have been playing for a total of around 70 hours and have 3/4 of the GB planes.
i use simplified too and i found that i can turn a lot faster if after you lock on and press L2 you force the pointer even further in the direction of the plane, the screen will go black though as the G's you pull is really high.

some planes though are just awful at turning compared to others, i normally do well in dogfights, but i think it's because i pick my opponents carefully and finish them off very quickly so they don't get a chance to turn or lose me.

i think burst firing and accurately placing your shots is the best policy rather than just spamming bullets in the general direction.
Main thing I am learning is to hold fire, close in, then shoot, random bullet spamming from distance gives them a lot of warning.

Another tip from me, I fly bombers a lot, very very rare to get shot down by body shots, I can soak up stupid amounts of damage, shoot my wings though and I am fubarred
Here's a good guide for setting your targetting distance correctly.


omg that is insane :eek:, i think i changed that setting as well one day but i had no clue what i was doing :o

i will definitely need to play about with it maybe, but i seem to be getting top spot on my team whenever i play tbh, lowest i can remember of recent was 3rd on my team when i was messing about and crashed a couple of planes stupidly.
omg that is insane :eek:, i think i changed that setting as well one day but i had no clue what i was doing :o

i will definitely need to play about with it maybe, but i seem to be getting top spot on my team whenever i play tbh, lowest i can remember of recent was 3rd on my team when i was messing about and crashed a couple of planes stupidly.

I messed about with it too thinking it's where your target circle pops up so you will hit your target or the gunners kick in, Glad I found it now lol.

Another tip is when your playing chicken with another plane you can start shooting long before your target circle appears, I tend to aim a lot higher and start firing short bursts at around 2km away because the other plane effectively fly's into them killing them before they even get to shoot at you.
i think I have it set at 500m.

Also firing at 2km away would be pointless as the bullets would have spread out so far after the convergence that they wouldn't hit, unless your set at 800m or something?

I do usually start firing before the reticule pops up but just a second or two and i try and fly upwards when playing chicken, never play chicken with a beaufighter though chances of you wining are like 1 in 100, the best you could hope for is to crash into them.
You will be suprised how effective firing at 2km is, you have to account for spread and drop and you will hit if you aim correctly. Obviously you have to be going full speed at each other. I set mine at 800m ;)

Also take the target circle with a pinch of salt, where you actually need to aim depends on speed, pitch etc and the target is for the center of the plane so if your flying level and in a straight line and want to hit engines on the wings then just aim at them and not the circle. It seems common sense now but the tutorial tells you to aim for the circle but that rarely gets you kills.
I usually aim just in front of the circle when the plane I'm chasing is turning, otherwise at the circle or just above it.

I never aim for specific parts just the circle, will need to test this all out today, I think 500m is the best for overall fighting, 800m would be best for firing at things far away from you, I like to take out a lot of ground targets such as AA and Artillery and Armoured cars whenever possible and with 800m it was a lot harder, as I usually fly low and close to them.

Basically the best setting depends on how far away you usually take most of your shots from.

Sniper targets from distance then 800m.

Shotgun targets from up close then 200-300m.

then 400-500m for a mid point between the two.
Correct, It really does help to know these things as you kill a lot more.

I'm starting to wish I chose US now, Just checked bombers and the top us bomber has 8 gunners or something silly, the lancaster only 3 :( They also have more jet powered planes too.
I'm now on tier 3 and I am getting owned by BF109's

I swear this one BF109 took out at least 10-20 planes in no time, he killed me 3 times alone and I'm normally top of my team every time I play.

The following game I had randoms who knew what is what and they used the in game messaging system to basically tell everybody on the team to attack the BF109.

With roughly 3-5 of us all chasing him from all angles we managed to get him.

That's a German plane though. I remember in history class being taught that the British had the best planes, then why are these Russian and German's such beasts?
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