War Thunder - Free PS4 WW2 Fighter Jet Game - Tips, Tricks, etc

19 Oct 2002
Right now the russians rock, but like all these games things will be patched changed and updated. what rocks today MAY suck tomorrow.

I haven't got enough time to devote to have a full spread of countries, so sucky or not I'm sticking to the RAF :)

Likewise, it takes that long to unlock new planes. I also really want a Lancaster!

Psycho, recommend you stump up for Premium account if you're going Russian. Will make it less of a grind up to a decent tier 2 plane.
21 Jun 2006
I have been reading over on their official forums and apparently it will never be changed.

Basically the developers are trying to make the planes as historically accurate and real as possible for the game so they won't change any planes data or stats.

Now Russian planes are crap in every game mode apart from Arcade because in Arcade all the planes get boosted by a multiplier, so it turns them into monsters and makes their guns (which are the best) useful because now with boosts on you can actually get into positions to use them without the boosts in other modes they are crap. All planes get boosted not just the Russians and the developers are saying that they would have to reduce the boost on all planes which would ruin arcade mode as they are not willing to change the data/stats of the Russian planes.

I'm also reading Germany are also very good for Arcade mode also but not as good as the Russians but Germany do well in the other modes too so they are more well rounded if you want 1 faction for all modes.

I was playing last night against a MIG and trust me this guy owned everyone on the map. He was 10 times faster than everyone else and so small, he basically just sprayed you and ran away, then came back 1 minute later for another spray and away he went again.

You couldn't catch him, believe me I tried, it's so fast and so good at climbing it's impossible. It was like trying to catch Usain Bolt.

I'm now thinking I should have one faction for Arcade (Russians) and one faction for Historic Battles and Realistic Battles is it?

But then again the more I look into the other game modes the more I'm thinking that Arcade mode is the best it's instant pick up and play action the other modes are very boring in comparison.

So switching to Russia now would be the smart choice, I urge you guys to do the same, they are insane, you probably haven't came up against a MIG yet, the first time was last night and if you thought the BF109's were OP, these things are on a different planet.

The developers are also saying different planes are suited to different environments, the russians excel down low, other nations work better higher up. As you all well know most dogfighting happens down low in the middle of the map usually.

Telling everyone to come up to your level where your plane excels is never going to happen. So you have to get down low where they excel, basically the developers are saying if you want to beat them stay at the height your plane performs best and you will beat them and that their is nothing wrong, people are just playing the game wrong.
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23 May 2006
Wow interesting post, if it holds true and I encounter that I will quit, I want to play as a brit, none other hold interest
3 Mar 2006
Atcham, Shropshire
Ahh physco you have met the jets now then :) I'm tier 5 I think and those guys are murder.

I don't have any jets and like you am thinking about going Russian because they are too good!

18 bombs gets you more points and does more damage, great for stings of vehicles or mini base killers, 2 runs I think.
21 Jun 2006
Yeah I met my first jet last night and it was the worse mismatch I have ever encountered, it wasn't pleasant.

I then did extensive reading on the official forums.

I then switched to Russians today and you start from the bottom up against noobs so it's all easy but it's going to be a grind fest to get to where I was with the RAF.

After using their tier one planes I am amazed at how good they are you can certainly feel the difference straight away their guns are a lot better.
19 Oct 2002
Yeah I met my first jet last night and it was the worse mismatch I have ever encountered, it wasn't pleasant.

I then did extensive reading on the official forums.

I then switched to Russians today and you start from the bottom up against noobs so it's all easy but it's going to be a grind fest to get to where I was with the RAF.

After using their tier one planes I am amazed at how good they are you can certainly feel the difference straight away their guns are a lot better.

Haha likewise, quite funny playing against folk who are obviously brand new to the game. Was totally dominating the 3 games I played last night, there was a couple of others who were obviously switching country and knew the ropes but was like shooting fish in a barrel in the main.

I'll be on tonight, levelling up my Russian planes if you want to squad up.
21 Jun 2006
Haha likewise, quite funny playing against folk who are obviously brand new to the game. Was totally dominating the 3 games I played last night, there was a couple of others who were obviously switching country and knew the ropes but was like shooting fish in a barrel in the main.

I'll be on tonight, levelling up my Russian planes if you want to squad up.

Yeah I'll be on for a bit hopefully.

I concur about the shooting fish in a barrel too, but it was also really hard to dodge noobs as they flew really close to me, I crashed more times than I was shot down.

But since I'm owning everyone I'm levelling up quite fast, what I might even do is not even bother fully upgrading planes and try and rank up the quickest possible way by just doing enough upgrades to research the next plane and go from there.

I didn't bother with the direct upgrade from the 2 bi-planes you start with I went straight to the next one below instead of the 2 in the sub menu where the bi-planes are.

If I play it smart I could be in tiers 2 and 3 in no time I reckon.

I will obviously need to spend £10-£15 on eagles to upgrade the crew when I get to those tiers, plus after my initial splurge I know exactly what to buy and for what crews now.

7 crews iirc split into;

2 Bombers - focus on Gunners, Repair and Reload (no real need to spend anything on pilot tbh can upgrade that with whatever I get from normal play)
3 Fighters - focus on Pilot, Repair and Reload (no need to spend anything on gunners page at all)
2 Big fighters (like beaufighter) - Focus on the Repair page and don't spend too much on them tbh, they are hit or miss usually for me, either I own everyone or I die quickly regardless of the crew upgrades.
21 Jun 2006
they are working on a fix for the yer2 bombing issue i believe although a lot of their "fixes" in the past have been crap and focused on making the grindfest harder (they never used to have research points before in the game it's a new thing).

it's the most OP bomber in the game it can destroy a mini base in 2 strikes or if your paired up with a mate 1 strike.

i think the fix will revolve around changing the gameplay rather than the planes themselves. like i said before they aren't willing to change the planes themselves at all.

iirc they will just make it so bases don't count as much towards tickets, or you need to destroy the 3 mini bases before unlocking the airstrip to blow up or something along those lines.

they won't change the planes themselves.

they don't believe they are OP because in other game modes they absolutely suck without the boosts (all planes are boosted in arcade mode), in fact they are one of the worst to use in the other game modes (which aren't available as of yet on the ps4).

i can see your frustration and after all the reading I have done the only option is to have separate factions for separate parts of the game.

Russians for Arcade Battles is the best imo or Germans if you want a bit of a challenge.

Then anyone else really for Historic or Simulation modes depending on what you like apart from the Russians as they suck at those modes.

Also Gaijin themselves are a Russian development team so you can see why they wouldn't be so willing to change them. Although it is stupid how OP they are.

imo in arcade mode all planes should have the same stats but just different models. e.g. a spitfire, lagg, bf109, mig, etc, etc can all climb, turn and accelerate the exact same with the same top speeds, etc, the same strength of plane structural integrity, etc, etc. all the guns should be the same rate of fire, calibre, number of rounds, etc, etc.

basically an even playing field.

in the other game modes they should be exactly how they were in real life.

Gaijin on the other hand have just used the realistic data and then just boosted all the planes, the reason why the russians are so OP is due to their guns and bombs. Their guns are far superior as are their bombs, without the boosts they would be too slow to be effective but with the boosts they can simply do drive by's no bother now.

i did warn you a few day's ago, in fact i first posted about the russians a week or two ago when some guy was swearing about them online in game (microphone in game still doesn't work it's all static noise he was using the text box).

i really really like the game and this is a fundamental issue, if they don't balance it, it will mean basically 75% of people will be using the russians it's a no brainer, there are 5 different factions iirc so that number should be around 20% so you can see the huge difference it makes to the game.
23 May 2006
Read loads on the forums, essentially they have given the YAR massive boost in bomb payload whilst massively reducing some others like the brits, the lancaster should have a 12k payload gets 4k, the yar should be about 3k gets 8k, if we are going all fantasy then fair enough but why bother with the pretence at real stats
19 Oct 2002
Russians are still only 50% as popular as GBR/USA forces. You can see the split when you have to wait for a game, normally 3-4 Russians and double that on GBR/USA. Germans and Japanese only 1 or 2.
19 Oct 2002
The first russian bomber is comedy in Tier 2 games, has twin MG turret at the front and single gunner at rear. Can literally play it as a fighter and let the twin mgs churn the guy in front whilst the rear takes out anybody behind you
23 May 2006
just tried to play was tough, i dont get why i am in tier 4 though, i only have tier 3 planes...am i missing something?
21 Jun 2006
just tried to play was tough, i dont get why i am in tier 4 though, i only have tier 3 planes...am i missing something?

It works off crew levels etc too not just the plane tiers


it works off what you have unlocked in the research tree

e.g. lets say your in tier 1 and you have just unlocked a tier 2 plane in the research tree (but have not even started researching it).

you are now in tier 2

basically the best way to do it is research plane upgrades up to the 3rd level then stop using that plane, because if you unlock the 4th level upgrades after that you unlock the next planes in the research tree.

wait until you have level 3 upgrades on all planes within your tier then start getting level 4 upgrades so you can quickly move between tiers.

otherwise you can be in tier x+1 for ages with hardly any tier x+1 planes because you upgraded one of the tier x planes to max but the others are all well behind.

hope you can understand that, it's mainly latin :o
21 Jun 2006
Wouldn't mind joining the list if possible please. I haven't played an awful lot and still learning the ropes. Seems like a lot of fun though :)



please add everyone to your PSN :)
21 Jun 2006
got it, i do have 2 planess researchable at t4, cheers

yeah I think it's a really stupid way of doing it as well and very confusing.

I have one tier 2 plane with the russians researchable but all the rest are well behind that is how I figured out how it works, it's do to with the research tree nothing else.

really stupid imo as you could be using no planes from that tier yet still be in that ranking when going into matches.
19 Oct 2002
Ah that explains it, I'm the same with the Russians. As soon as you research your first plane with the russians it unlocks the tier 2 and you instantly wind up in T2 games. I'm actually fairly close to unlocking the researches for all the first Tier 2 planes in Russia. Unlocked 2 already, only got the Lagg and the light bomber/SB bomber to do and they are all pretty close to getting all the mods required.
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