Warhammer 40,000: SPACE MARINE 2

Yes, but HD2 does a much better job. If you strip away the Warhammer aesthetic, there's not much of a game here ; it's lacking in content, AI is Star Wars Outlaws levels of bad and there are significant balance issues playing solo vs co-op. This game need at least another 6 months in the oven to address it's many issues. There will be many WH40K fans blinded by loyalty that will defend it to the hilt, but in time this has a good chance of slumping to "mixed" review status on Steam.

Are you saying that buying a game on day one has yet again bitten people in the ass? Well I never.
I'm enjoying it, its awesome fun in co-op, so sadly as much as I'd like my ass bitten, it remains unnibbled :)

Yeah but you're the guy on the meme with the fire around him saying everything's fine.
Also I 100% knew you were going to pop up and say something just like that lol.

On a serious note, I'm glad you're enjoying it. As excited as I was about it. I think I thought it was a completely different kind of game so I'm skipping it.
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Yeah but you're the guy on the meme with the fire around him saying everything's fine.
Also I 100% knew you were going to pop up and say something just like that lol.

On a serious note, I'm glad you're enjoying it. As excited as I was about it. I think I thought it was a completely different kind of game so I'm skipping it.
Nah, its really just that I got exactly what I expected, I expected nothing more than Vermintide 2 (which was also brilliant fun in co-op) in a Space Marine skin, which is pretty much precisely what I got. I cant help that I find co-op gaming fun, gaming is all about fun times with friends for me :)
Nah, its really just that I got exactly what I expected, I expected nothing more than Vermintide 2 (which was also brilliant fun in co-op) in a Space Marine skin, which is pretty much precisely what I got. I cant help that I find co-op gaming fun, gaming is all about fun times with friends for me :)

People at the place I play actual Warhammer are playing it (shock horror) but even then I still don't want to join in with it.
Much the same way, I can't help finding co-op or multiplayer in general absolutely atrocious :)

We're just too different you and I lol.

I installed vermintide 2 because I got it free somewhere on Steam. I've always felt that fantasy Warhammer just has a much better overall aesthetic.

Edit. Actually that's not strictly true. I did quite enjoy playing rust with some people from work on a private PVE type server.
The problem is that so many people are into meta gaming and min maxing whereas I like to discover this stuff for myself. They will happily just read off a guide because they want the best.
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Gutted to here how you all finding it in sp as I won't be touching it in co-op. Still feel like getting it but I'll stick to a £30 price point and wait for it to be sll patched up.
Gutted to here how you all finding it in sp as I won't be touching it in co-op. Still feel like getting it but I'll stick to a £30 price point and wait for it to be sll patched up.
If you're interested in this game purely from a single player perspective then my advice is to avoid for now and pick up on a sale at a later date. Even as a co-op PvE ( and PvP ) experience it's lacking. Vermintide and Darktide are better in that regard, by virtue of having more content and better polish. The only thing this has going for it is the WH40K aesthetic ... the actual gameplay is 5/10 at best.
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I still like you though
Agreed, that first mission after the prologue where you have to shoot them off the 4 towers that they swarm was a pain, other than that i am enjoying it, even though it is very console driven, and very linear, down 1 beaten path basically, combat and visuals are good, be a great setting for a film, audio and cut scenes AAA
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