Warhammer 40k book recommendations

I'm suffering from a bit of post-Gavin Smith syndrome which are like 'proper' adult versions of 40k on steroids so it feels a bit 'lighter' going back to the Heresy books. Also reading books in the 3rd person not 1st person narrative :p

Enjoying Know No Fear so far though, it's an interesting perspective :)
Im about 70% into the book and i have to say its my fav HH next to Fulgrim. What destruction and betrayel i cant wait to see then enemy fail eventually...if they do:)
Finished it last night, very good book and what an ending;)
Anyway sadly im caught up with the HH series, and will have to wait till june for the next book.
So i bought Titanicus (i think thats how its spelt) i hear its really good, well it is a dan abnett book:D
I've finished Path of the Warrior and am part way through Path of the Seer. These are brilliant books, Gav Thorpe has really captured the Eldar perfectly and there are some great insights into their lives.
Hey chaps,

I've always been a gamer but never picked up a 40k book.

Wheres a good place to start for a n00b? Horus Heresy books?

It's a must really. It sets up all the history. All the back story and there are loads of them.

What faction did you play? I'm a Black Templar player. Currently working through the heresy myself.
Thanks for the reccommendations chaps.

I played Imperial Guard predominantly.

Had 3500 points. All painted and based to a high standard. But sold them when I left Uni :(

Lore wise Horus Heresy era interests me, Imperial Guard and to a lesser extent Harlequins after building a 2000pt Harlequin army back in the day using original models and Gav Thrope's unofficial Harlequin Codex.

Currently painting up a Night Goblin army for the ****s and giggles of it and thinking about splashing out on some Praetorian Imperial Guard from ebay to paint up nice.
I really enjoyed Know No Fear, a typical Abnett book in that he spent 90% of the book setting the scene before rushing the ending but he was able to get away with it because the set up was so interesting.

A shot in the arm for the series but I am still getting a bit sick of it with how much they are dragging it out now and, without wanting to be harsh, how average the hacks they use to write the series are.

Can already see Primarchs being a filler book though the Blood Angels one certainly seems interesting I am just hoping with what they have said in the blurb they aren't going to try and fiddle with the Angels back story.
It's hardly being dragged out, every fan will want to see their chapter get a book or a major part in one. It's amazing how many of the chapters/primarchs we've still not seen/barely seen. I'm glad they haven't rushed it tbh, it's good that they're taking a long term view to the series. In the end we all know the major plot points and how it ends so the interest is in the journey.
I agree with that but the authors aren't good enough to do decent storylines that aren't action packed.

The quality of over half the series is very poor. I think now it's a case of poor is the standard and anything better is a rare treat.

They should have engaged a decent author to do the series so there was one vision guiding it all rather than the hodge lodge they have. Imagine the job a good scifi author like Banks or someone could have made of this!

I probably will continue to read it because I am interested in the backstory just the quality disappoints me.
Ah, good old Dan "5 against 5000" Abnet. He's kind of gone down hill a bit lately with his one trick writing style. His only true departure and an actual classic is Mechanicus.

Some of the HH books have been a struggle to finish and I hate losing interest in a book and leaving it unfinished.


Theres 21 Primarchs including the twins. In Deliverance Lost, the Emperor is said to have found 17 of them including the twins. Wheres the other 4?
There's 20 technically. The twins are considered as one primarch. 2 died in the disaster so...well he should have found 18. I can't remember exactly where it said that, perhaps it meant he'd found 17 so far?
17 were found and took into the fold. There are a couple of references in various books that the final 3 were found but the Emperor has barred discussion about them. They were definitely found though as a few convo's between Primarchs touched on it.

Speculation has it that they were too badly tainted from the warp (worse than Sanguinius with wings and Magnus with one eye) so they emperor destroyed them.
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