Warhammer 40k book recommendations


I'm waiting until there are 2 or 3 out at one go I haven't read then buy them at once and just get them out the way because I have stopped enjoying the series recently. :(

Thats what im doing, im currently reading A Song Of Fire And Ice series only started the second book. So by the tim i get through them there should easily be 2-3 books out by then:D
Thats what im doing, im currently reading A Song Of Fire And Ice series only started the second book. So by the tim i get through them there should easily be 2-3 books out by then:D

As soon as I saw Primarchs I knew that was filler.

Know No Fear was quite enjoyable but typical average Abnett writing (900 pages of build up and 1 page of rushed finale) Shadows of Treachery is filler (more short stories) so hopefully Fear to Tread will be decent but I wont hold my breath.

Age of Darkness was filler, Outcast Dead was ****, Deliverence Lost was average but painfully predictable, Prospero Burns was rubbish... I cannot honestly remember the last one I really enjoyed. Legion or First Heretic perhaps but can't remember how old they were :p

I'm a bit annoyed because all the stuff that looks interesting recently is in audio books like Butchers Nails and the Garro series. Really wish they would release it in Audio book but ho hum! I will certainly finish the series because I want to see how it pans out but can see it being turgid rather than enjoyable!
Yeah, I put it off for ages because of mixed opinion from friends (specifically saying it got very long winded in the middle) but I'm loving it so far, almost finished book 4.
Up to book 7 it's amazing. 8-10 are a bit long winded and turgid but they do move the story along somewhat then 11 (Jordan's last) picked it up a bit then the last few by Sanderson have been unreal! Everything that has been threaded together is bearing fruit and it's unreal! :D

Really looking forward to the last one at the start of 2013.
Wheels Of Time i may look into this, is it similar to A Song Of Fire And Ice?

Similarish, has the same feeling of a world with believable politics and tensions between regions. It's a much larger scope though and it's less...desperately adult. It reminds me a lot of the Shannara books but better written.
Wheels Of Time i may look into this, is it similar to A Song Of Fire And Ice?

Some similarities.

It sets up a well rounded world with tensions and differing political power bases etc which is similar to Martin.

Jordan is more overt in his magic approach to things and doesn't try to hide it like GRRM.

The magic idea and how things are thougt out are great, really interesting and marvellous system. His character development, whilst taking a long time (understandable in a 13 book series) is one of the best among fantasy characters and Rand (main character) arc is great to see him now from the beginning is mind boggling.

Really is a great series and couldn't recommend it highly enough just be prepared to power through books 8-10 which are poor compared to his own high standards.
I love the Horus Heresy books. After having a long lay off from the First Heretic (Song of Ice and Fire) I am now catching up with the series (half way through the Outcast Dead) but my problem is remembering what's happened i the previous books. Obviously I remember the key events but for example I can't exactly remember what happened in the Last Heretic :confused:

Is there a site which gives you a brief overview of the goings on in each book?
Thanks for the links but they didn't didn't really explain much. I'll just have to re-read last heretic I think.

Really enjoying The Outcast Dead though. Really looking for to the Primarch book. I love Primarchs :D
I rather enjoyed 3 of the 4 short stories and even though The Lion is quite cleary a nutter (:D) he may just be my favourite Primarch.

I was a little taken aback by the deaths of two previously central characters though. It seemed very casually done, especially in the Dark Angels story. I was rather hoping for a showdown in a later Dark Angels book, but that's out the window. :(
I'n now up to Book 18, Know No Fear. Took me a little while to get used to the unusual writing style and perspective but i'm enjoying it now, as with all Dan Abnett boks.

The Horus heresy really is a mind-boggingly epic series, with only three books so far that I physically could not bring myself to finish due to how God-awful, risible, and vomit-inducing they were (Descent of Angels, Age of Darkness, Fulgrim).

The rest have been fapworthy for the most part, and I really can't get enough of the Warhammer 40k fluff... sad to say i spend a fair bit of time reading it, definitely one of my guilty/geeky pleasures in life even at the age of 31 going on 32!

So far i've only read the HH but as soon as i'm up to date with that plan to read the "present day" 40k books such as Inquisition series, Eisenhorn, Gaunts Ghosts etc etc etc.

Current favourite chapters:

  • Word Bearers - The original traitors, steeped in Chaos
  • Thousand Sons - For pure awesomeness
  • Alpha Legion - The dick dastardlies of the 40k world

Current favourite Primarchs:

Lorgar - I love his development from sensitive and philosophical weakling to self-assures psychic badass.
Magnus - Closest to The Emperor without being the emperor in terms of power, and I feel he was hard done by throughout the series, both through his own nature (he couldn't help being super-psychic in nature) and some very bad, if well-intentioned, choices.

You will not there is a lack of Imperial presence there, and while I like them (Raven Guard), there is just no getting away from the fact that traitor legions are so much more deep and interesting due to being so central to the plot.

Love it. :)
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