Warhammer 40k book recommendations

Finished Salvations Reach a few days ago.

Very entertaining, but at times, it really does feel like an episode of Eastenders. Albiet one with heavy weaponary, extreme violence and deamons.

Just finished Salvations Reach also!

Not a bad book, but I was expecting more from the latest in the series, and I didn't like the way Felyx, Gaunts son, was portrayed. Also I found Blenner very annoying, I don't think there was any need to even write him into the series as joining the Tanith First. Completely unlikeable and unmemorable main character imo

Having said that, I loved the series and am pretty sad I finished it.

Hmm, what should I start now, any recommendations? I heard there's another commissar series, Ciaphas Cain, which is meant to be good? Space Wolves and Grey Knights Omnibuses also?
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Well, I've only read the Gaunt and Horus Heresy stuff and wouldn't know where to begin with all the other 40k era titles.

As for Salvations Reach, your issues are certainly valid ones and the series feels a little indulgent at the moment.

Oddly, I didn't mind Blenner, but one rather suspects he's heading for a fall, perhaps even at the end of Gaunt's pistol for failing his duties. As for Gaunt's son, well he has to be compromised by Merryn and Co, or hs inclusion seems rather pointless. Whatever happens, Gaunt's been getting too 'nice' and hasn't fufilled his commisar duties lately, which means someone really needs to die. Possibly Cpt. Wilder, his actions were absurd. Gaunt should've blatted him on their first meeting!
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I bed the series at first but you can clearly tell the books are now second or third priority for Abnett. The action, the excitement and down right brilliance is just gone. His prose is still good but there generally tends to be gaping plot holes every book and cheap thrills and kills to keep you reading.

Real shame and I wish they would get someone else on board like Dembski B to finish it off.
amazon have just sent me a email saying they cant get hold of a copy of angel exterminus? any idea what nefarious tricks GW are playing?

I have also just recieved an e-mail saying the same.

Not happy.

Looking on the BL site, it looks like they're changing the format of the softbacks too. Theyre larger, with fold out covers....and yep you guessed it, cost more.
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As above GW have inserted the ultimate rip off, 12.99 for a paperback book.

Sadly it looks although I will never get to finish the Horus Heresy as I refuse to pay such prices for such average writing. If I was picking up a quality author for this, maybe, but for the pulp **** they release I will never pay that. Sad day but there you go, hopefully more people will stand against such blatant overpricing and they will lower their prices again.

Will sadly now never get to finish the series, wont get anymore GG, passing up on the Gotrek and Felix which I always enjoyed and the Eisenhorn. ******* :(

edit: just to **** me off even more they have eventually done what I wanted, released paperback copy of the audio books! FUUUUUUU :mad:
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I've done a bit of research, and this is how BL are handling the HH books now...

HARDBACK - early release, costs a bomb, no real benefit apart from artwork and earlier release

TRADE PAPERBACK - This is going in the place (and release time) of the mass market paperbacks. Same size as hardback, but not hardback. Sill a rip off.

MASS MARKET PAPERBACK - Released way way after the other two. The book that most people will want, due to price, and size.

I have to wait until JUNE for the mass market paperback of Angel Exterminatus.

Gutted. And slightly peeved
I really hope a lot of fans simply boycot the series.
Up until now I've had every HH book delivered on the release day.
I'm looking at June for a book that's been out technically since December.

I know I should stop moaning about it, but I can't think if another book company that would go this, and it's BLATANTLY for more money.

They've even charged £35 for the new Mephiston story. Long time Blood Angel fans will be eager to read about one of the chapters main characters.
Just finished Pariah by Dan Abnett (first book of the third Inquisition trilogy)

Absolutely brilliant, I was addicted from start to finish. The worlds and characters he creates are brilliant, so good to see the Imperium from the view of it's citizens.
So are they ever releasing mass paperbacks off the heresy books?

The last two (angel exterminated and Betrayer) are still not out as far as I can see.

******* hate you GW, go burn in hell.
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