Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

I played it this afternoon and loved it. I was looking forward to it anyway and pre-ordered it a while ago but I really was impressed and can't wait for the release now.

The demo was pretty short but gave you enough playtime to know that it's a must buy (imo anyway).
It's nothing like Gears of War.

For starters there's no cover mechanic, which is basically the backbone of Gears of War, gears is also a shooter with context based hand to hand combat, this is an action game more along the lines of things like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta with a strong focus on hand to hand combat and gunplay (although the feel is very, very different from those two games in turn). The only similarities between this and gears is that they're both 3rd person games and they both wield blades with chainsaws attached (which btw is an idea that Warhammer came up with in the 1980s and gears took inspiration from).

If (and this is a big if) the single player is long enough, this will be an amazing game. The combat is visceral and every single gun feels great to use, the graphics are pretty damn decent and the artwork is spot on. It's also challenging which i always love. I just worry that it'll be a 5 hour adventure which will yet again leave me yearning for more like so many previous adventure/action games.
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You're in the minority then, it's being very widely praised!

Really? I like W40k a lot and I found it rather dull and far too simple. I breezed through Hard mode just mashing X and holding down the trigger, I mean you don't even have to aim, you just point in their general direction and massive aim assist takes over.
No, I'm aware of which game is which. Kill Team didn't interest me in the first place and Space Marine I just find dull and boring and if it wasn't for the 40k license people wouldn't be bumming it anywhere near as much.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, just that I find it far too simple and boring.
Really? I like W40k a lot and I found it rather dull and far too simple. I breezed through Hard mode just mashing X and holding down the trigger, I mean you don't even have to aim, you just point in their general direction and massive aim assist takes over.

Hmmm well i played on the PC so obviously i wasn't able to notice any over the top auto aim. The difficulty must be tweaked for consoles too as i very much doubt you could make it through on normal in the PC demo without at least performing some execution moves for health.
Juts played the Demo myself there, I have to say I loved it more than I thought I would, you feel like a a pure war machine and LOOOOVVVEE the executions. Keeping it on pre-order, glad I did.

So thats Dead Island and Space Marines landing on the one day.........that will be a good day lol.
"Hi boss... *cough*... yeah... *cough*... I just feel awful... I'll be back in a few weeks... *cough cough* "


LMAO yea " I feel sooooo awful *sniff*, *sniff* dont know whats come over me, dont know who long I will be off for, really *cough*........sorry boss...... need to go I think thats the post man......*click*..................................:D
bit too like darksiders for me, the finishing people to regain health thing annoyed me in darksiders and does in this as well.

Will keep it on my rental list but both dead island and Space marines are not day 1 purchases for me.

Infact im heading towards only buying online games with codes as purchase games these days.
Hmm, health system is annoying, makes the space marine feel pretty weak.

Camera isn't great, one fight in a corridor I just couldn't see anything.

Hope the story is good, glad it wasn't just you and you at least have a few squadmates.
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