Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

am i reading the article wrong? i thought it says nvidia cards will get extra effects amd wont? well not in those words exactly let me read again
Your not coming back to PC because they "Receive PC-Exclusive Effects, Features & Technologies"?.

This would be down the the fact that a Gaming PC has far more power than any console.

TBH PC gamers should get exclusives because we are the actual ones that push the gaming industry to create products of a higher visual quality.
N'aww. It's pretty common knowledge by now that buying AMD is going to miss you out on a lot of goodies. That's why they are cheaper.
By posting this in a pc gaming subforum, it would be natural to see posts heralding this as good news - that pc gamers aren't forgotten by developers limiting the graphics to what only the consoles can handle.

What I don't understand is the comment about it being petty?
Because Ubisoft have a partnership with Nvidia and AMD are going to miss out on a few extra bits of bling. Tbh though they'll probably get it still, the only thing locked out to AMD users is PhysX and TXAA.
If you're inferring that it's petty due to one gfx card manufacturer getting enhanced visuals over another then it's true, it does happen.

Just like Titanfall being only on Xbone but not PS4, it's called exclusivity and it's being going on for years and it costs lots of money, so to call PC gfx card manufacturers and deals they do "petty" is quite ignorant to be fair.
what i meant by petty is that gpu companies are now siding with game publishers to tweak the game to run/look nicer with their product only...
what i meant by petty is that gpu companies are now siding with game publishers to tweak the game to run/look nicer with their product only...

That's what you took from that article?
Also, if you think this is something that's happening only now then you're mistaken. Using features one card has and the other doesn't isn't a bad thing, it's giving options.

It's funny to read about this on other forums, there are people annoyed by this.
If you're inferring that it's petty due to one gfx card manufacturer getting enhanced visuals over another then it's true, it does happen.

Just like Titanfall being only on Xbone but not PS4, it's called exclusivity and it's being going on for years and it costs lots of money, so to call PC gfx card manufacturers and deals they do "petty" is quite ignorant to be fair.

yes this is what i mean, i do understand exclusivity just really shocked to see its happening between gpu companies, but yes i can see why i was ignorant to say such a thing.

so how long has this been going on? because im pretty sure i never thought about this type of thing when i bought my 2 6950's at launch
That's what you took from that article?
Also, if you think this is something that's happening only now then you're mistaken. Using features one card has and the other doesn't isn't a bad thing, it's giving options.

It's funny to read about this on other forums, there are people annoyed by this.

so amd/nvidia top tier gpu's have different features? i always thought they had the same features just one was faster then the other. guess im well out of the loop
You're assuming they want ATi owners to have a bad time trying to play, that would be a bad business decision, I don't think they're quite that stupid. They just want more features and a partnership with one brand. You have two to choose from ati or nvidia, just because they pick one doesn't mean the other is getting shunned.

so amd/nvidia top tier gpu's have different features? i always thought they had the same features just one was faster then the other. guess im well out of the loop
I didn't say that but you can look up the differences between brands, not models.
What I was told about concerns regarding Splinter Cell having Nvidia proprietary features:

Ubisoft will still have to optimise for AMD's architecture if they want to be on consoles.If you read carfully with they actually say "NVIDIA has officially announced their partnership with game developer Ubisoft to offer the best possible experience on NVIDIA GeForce graphic cards"Now, to most readers that will read as "they are optimised for Nvidia over AMD" which is exactly what Nvidia want readers to think, in reality what its saying is they are working with Ubisoft to make sure it works properly on their GPU's.... well hello, thats the normal par for course. Go on read it again carefully*Its just Nvidia with classic Nvidia marketing, they are making a lot of noise about nothing to try and look like they are on top of the game with everything moving in AMD's direction.The simple fact is every game from now on from every developer will work best on AMD because THAT is the architecture they now have to optimise for, All Nvidia can do is run around making sure it still works on their architecture....and use that as yet another marketing ploy.

AMD = Inferior :D lol

You could have had the usual argument but for the fact Nvidia released the cluster **** that is the 320 driver branch. ;)
TressFX on AMD
PhysX on Nvidia

Depending upon what the game implements, or how much help the game devs receive from the GPU maker will determine what people see.
TressFX on AMD
PhysX on Nvidia

Depending upon what the game implements, or how much help the game devs receive from the GPU maker will determine what people see.

I'd rather see PhysX because at least it's useful and not a pointless piece of **** like TressFX.

Ohhh, look at our fancy hair... *****.
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