Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

What is weird is that you cant select ultra textures with 2gb cards but you can select 8xMSAA!?

Im sure there will be away around it. A nice balance of ultra textures and 4xMSAA would be good.#

Edit: is it even a hard lock - i.e. can you still select ultra if you have 2gb cards?
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What is weird is that you cant select ultra textures with 2gb cards but you can select 8xMSAA!?

Im sure there will be away around it. A nice balance of ultra textures and 4xMSAA would be good.#

Edit: is it even a hard lock - i.e. can you still select ultra if you have 2gb cards?

Yeah from what I've read it's a hard lock. There will probably be a way around it though.
This is a copy/paste of the games settings file (GamerProfile) found in My Docs>My Games>Watch Dogs. As you can see, changing various things is quite easy and apparently most have the desired effect. A few to note have been highlighted. It seems the 'Supersampling' setting does improve the visuals quite a bit but does give a performance hit.

<GamerProfile bFirstUplayBoot="1" bFirstMPBoot="1" bNeverShowUplayFlow="0" bAskAgainLaterToS="0">
<SoundProfile MusicEnabled="1" GlobalVolume="100" MusicVolume="100" LicencedMusicVolume="100" SFXVolume="100" VoiceVolume="100" AutoplayMusicInVehicles="0" VoiceChatEnabled="1" VoiceChatPlaybackVolume="50" />
<RenderProfile PCCustomTextureQuality="medium" PCCustomAntialiasingQuality="fxaa" RAWCPUScore="900.302" AlphaToCoverage="0" ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" Quality="_runtime" QualityEditor="pc_editor" WindowMode="2" WindowPosX="-1" WindowPosY="-1" Force16_9="0" ForceWidescreen="0" WidescreenFOV="0" OutputScalingFactor="1" AspectRatio="0" VSync="0" MaxPrerenderedFrames="3" RefreshRate="60" MaxDriverBufferedFrames="0" ShowFPS="0" IsCalibrationSetup="1" ClustersZPassMaxLOD="1" NewBrightness="1" Contrast_v3="1" NewGammaRamp="0.91" GammaRampR="1" GammaRampG="1" GammaRampB="1" AllowAsynchShaderLoading="1">
<quality ResolutionX="1280" ResolutionY="720" EnvironmentQuality="ultra" AntiPortalQuality="pc" PostFxQuality="high" TextureQuality="pc" TextureResolutionQuality="high" WaterQuality="high" ParaboloidReflectionQuality="high" DepthPassQuality="pc" VegetationQuality="ultra" TerrainQuality="ultra" GeometryQuality="ultra" LodDitheringQuality="pc" ShadowQuality="high" ShadingQuality="high" RoadQuality="pc" EditorQuality="pc" ParticlesQuality="ultra" DeferredFxQuality="console" HDR="1" SuperSampling="1" HighPrecisionNormal="1" RenderSplashes="1" RenderRain="0" MotionBlurQuality="pc" SSAOQuality="hbao+_low" DepthOfFieldQuality="pc" AntiAliasingQuality="temporalsmaa" id="_runtime" />
<NetworkProfile EnableNatTraversal="1" VoiceChatEnabled="1" OnlineEnginePort="9000" OnlineServicePort="9001" LanHostBroadcastPort="9004" LanClientBroadcastPort="9005" ScanFreePorts="1" ScanPortRange="1000" ScanPortStart="9000" />
<GameProfile Sensitivity="0.9" MouseLookSensitivityX="50" MouseLookSensitivityY="50" MouseInvertX="0" MouseInvertY="0" UseMouseSmooth="0" Smoothness="1" Sprint_UseToggle="0" Stroll_UseToggle="1" Gamepad_vibration="0" UseCompassMiniMap="1" UseRoadSignHilight="1" UseSubtitles="0" UseReticle="1" UseWaypoint="1" UseHintsAndTutorial="1" UsePdaNotification="1" UseMinimap="1" UseDynamicMission="1" UseItemAndRewards="1" UseMissionUpdate="1" UseFelony="1" UseEquipmentAndTools="1" UseAmbx="0" DifficultyLevel="1" IEn="1" NeutralFireEnabled="0" FriendlyFireEnabled="0" selGamepadControlScheme="0" CameraSpeedCoefficient="1" CameraSensitivityCoefficient="1" CameraInvertX="0" CameraInvertY="0" selAimAssist="0" selDifficulty="1">
<FireConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />
<AutoConsoleCommands />
<RealTreeProfile />
<PhysicConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />

Interestingly RenderRain is set to 0 which is odd.

All the settings highlighted in the lower section are for the HUD so disabling some or all of these for getting those pretty screenshots.
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