Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Hardly anyone talks about the gameplay, so its really hard to get a good view on it.

I love it. I love being able to scope a situation/area before choosing a route

I haven't played GTAV but I imagine it is not as advanced as it

- Gameplay is fun. Some missions are quite challenging
- Graphics can be made to look amazing
- Shops are good and it's fun to have your mugshot on the screen. You can also intimidate people into getting free stuff but I am too nice to try it
- You can have a lot of fun spying on conversations of people
- I also find it hard sometimes to steal from people... especially when they look poor
- Police chases are fun and the music during them is pretty cool

- Poor CF/SLI support currently
- NPCs react randomly to driving when not on curbs lol
- Driving is a bit arcade-y but cars do handle differently
- You basically add to your music collection for car radios by stealing from people who are listening to music. This means music is random and not my taste
Watch Dogs is a bit worse than / on par with GTA IV (4) at best.

How can you say this:[/IMG

Looks better than this: [IMG][/IMG


[COLOR="Yellow"][B]screenshots too big - please resize.[/B][/COLOR]
So folks Im reading online that there is an embargo on any reviews released and the reason being is cause Ubisoft are not so confident of this game doing well.

Any thoughts?

Also what is the season pass about/

Currently cdkeys has this on for about £26.
Embargos happen to most games, when GTA3 was released Rockstar didnt send many review copies out at all, a lot of people said it was because they lacked confidence in the game, turned out that it was the exact opposite.

This is not that I wouldnt be surprised.
So folks Im reading online that there is an embargo on any reviews released and the reason being is cause Ubisoft are not so confident of this game doing well.

Any thoughts?

Also what is the season pass about/

Currently cdkeys has this on for about £26.

Theres reviews out there if you look for them, problem is a lot of these "trusted" review sites will have a fat wad of cash in the back pocket for sticking to the embargo, fully expect the IGN 10/10 in the next 24 hrs :)
@ Cavallino

Yep, that's exactly why the embargo is there. Ubisoft are worried about backlash for the massively downgraded graphics, especially for the 'next gen' consoles.

Some reviews are out who are not being paid by Ubisoft and all say the same thing, generic GTA clone that's functional but overall disappointing as it isn't the game unveiled @E3 2012.

Obviously we have some Ubisoft fans in this thread.. Everyone is entitled to an opinion however.

Hopefully with time Drivers / Patches can bring the game up to the quality people were expecting. Ubisoft will still rake in the money though so may not care after embargo finishes and pre-orders are fulfilled.

It's a dodgy business for sure..

Video Game Review – Watch Dogs

The truth of the matter is that Watch Dogs could’ve been delayed for another six months and it still wouldn’t come close to the game that was promised, or that gamers had hoped for.

there are other next-gen games out there with better. The world the character inhabits, despite being on a superior console than GTAV, looks no better than last year’s smash hit.

The story is very generic, bog-standard revenge. Man has bad things happen to him, man seeks revenge on people who caused it. It’s all very predictable and dare I say boring. It fails to hold any grasp on the player’s interest; at no point will you be sat there at 2 o’clock in the morning thinking, “I must know what happens next!” The best games of this genre immerse the player in a world which they never want to leave; Watch Dogs simply doesn’t have that addictive plot running through it.

The gameplay, again, disappoints. It is very much inspired by what Rockstar has done with the open world nature of the GTA series but everything feels a bit clunkier and slower to respond compared to it. It manages a decent enough impression but just falls short of the quality needed to match or exceed GTA V. The side missions within Watch Dogs are a particular disappointment; they never quite manage to be interesting or challenging and feel like a forced addition to bump up the playing time

the whole hacking process is far too easy to be of any challenge and feels like a cheap marketing gimmick to suck in the masses to buy it.

You’d be better off returning to the much more impressive and immersive GTA V as Watch Dogs is not the first next-gen defining game we were told it would be.

Also read,

Is The Watch Dogs Embargo A Concern?

Games journalism gets a bad rap and it’s easy to see why, it's a struggle to think of any other form of entertainment where people would part with a large amount of cash, without having read a single review before committing to the purchase.

To rub salt further into the wounds, the only people that are allowed to review the game are hand-picked by the publisher who will also pay for the game to appear on the Conan O'Brien show on what almost appears as a product placement segment called the Clueless gamer.

As a brave few attempted to wander from the script, Ubisoft used their Twitter account to warn consumers that there are false Watch Dogs reviews floating around the web and that the embargo for reviews of the game is May 27th, which is the day the game releases.

When you take a step back from this process, it’s clear to see why gamers are a cynical bunch and are asking the question, do Ubisoft have something to hide?
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I'll unsubscribe from this thread, as it has just got to many repetitive posts and hardly any feedback on the game itself.
Seems to be more of a debate on the graphics compared to GTAIV/V, neither of which I have played or will likely to.
I buy a game to play, not sit and look at it. A good story/plot helps, a decent AI and to get immersed in the game, the quality of the graphics is a bonus, not the be all and end all. What's the point in pretty graphics if the game sucks.
first post of boomsticks i agree with! :D

BTW out of interest, do we assume that someone who hasnt played GTAV will have a better impression of Watchdogs?

Im seeing all the comparisons of GTAV but not owning a last gen console i havent played it.
It looked more of a clone of the Batman games to me. Especially the character animation when he hacks a terminal to put a bug on it and the main chars "batman-esque" voice. But the Batman games, and GTA, are decent games so I could see this being fun to play and not to take too seriously. No way buying on release though I have Wildstar to entertain me soon!
I'll unsubscribe from this thread, as it has just got to many repetitive posts and hardly any feedback on the game itself.
Seems to be more of a debate on the graphics compared to GTAIV/V, neither of which I have played or will likely to.
I buy a game to play, not sit and look at it. A good story/plot helps, a decent AI and to get immersed in the game, the quality of the graphics is a bonus, not the be all and end all. What's the point in pretty graphics if the game sucks.

There's plenty of feedback available. The vast majority in response is looking extremely negative, a game not fit for purpous, a game that will be worth buying when it's patched up and cheap.

I don't have the game myself, not interested in it
has anyone used cjs-cdkeys, currently been waiting for key to come through for 3 days, not started a support ticket yet incase it comes on release day
has anyone used cjs-cdkeys, currently been waiting for key to come through for 3 days, not started a support ticket yet incase it comes on release day

They posted this on facebook around lunch time

"Watchdogs have just arrived in the warehouse. We're scanning them and the first batch will be uploaded in about 5-6 hours."
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