Games journalism gets a bad rap and it’s easy to see why, it's a struggle to think of any other form of entertainment where people would part with a large amount of cash, without having read a single review before committing to the purchase.
To rub salt further into the wounds, the only people that are allowed to review the game are hand-picked by the publisher who will also pay for the game to appear on the Conan O'Brien show on what almost appears as a product placement segment called the Clueless gamer.
As a brave few attempted to wander from the script, Ubisoft used their Twitter account to warn consumers that there are false Watch Dogs reviews floating around the web and that the embargo for reviews of the game is May 27th, which is the day the game releases.
When you take a step back from this process, it’s clear to see why gamers are a cynical bunch and are asking the question, do Ubisoft have something to hide?