Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

I really don't get the "this game looks awful" comments. It doesn't look awful and it isn't awful. It's not great, it's good. The glitches in the above video are in every game if you search YouTube. I had one in metro 2033 where my gun disappeared. You just laugh and get it on with it. Mistakes happen in code and it's usually funny stuff that happens :D

Fair dues. Im running SLI so maybe its why its helped me? Hd to turn max frames to 5 as well
I tried the 5 frames setting out of interest and I got some weird flickering textures. So I tried it the other extreme and set it to 1 frame. Oddly this combined with Adaptive V-sync has given me the smoothest ride yet. Even coped with an epic police chase following the prison mission. There are still some tiny occasional stutters but I guess that is par for the course until we get a patch.
I really don't get the "this game looks awful" comments. It doesn't look awful and it isn't awful. It's not great, it's good. The glitches in the above video are in every game if you search YouTube. I had one in metro 2033 where my gun disappeared. You just laugh and get it on with it. Mistakes happen in code and it's usually funny stuff that happens :D

Cause of this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the crap out of the game but this is kinda ridiculous.
Cause of this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the crap out of the game but this is kinda ridiculous.

That a proof of concept video 2 years before release ends up different to the final product? Yep, never happened before. Remember at that time the spec for the next gen consoles wasn't even finalised.
Maybe they have plans for a hd texture pack update.
I think it looks good and plays ok. Just done the sp game and been playing online now and then on both android and pc
I think without the ps3 and xbox 360 versions we might have got a better textures, maybe at the E3 2012 demo they didnt know the game would have to be toned down for the consoles or maybe they just wanted to build up the hype like lots of movie and game makers have been doing for years
That a proof of concept video 2 years before release ends up different to the final product? Yep, never happened before. Remember at that time the spec for the next gen consoles wasn't even finalised.

They still had it running comfortably on a PC for that demo, no reason as to why PC couldn't of gotten that version and possibly X1/PS4 getting a watered down version of it and the 360/PS3 getting what we have now. The issue with it would be that PC would massively outshine every other platform with that level of fidelity, so instead they give everybody the last gen version so that new consoles look as good as PC, IMO.

Maybe they have plans for a hd texture pack update.
I think it looks good and plays ok. Just done the sp game and been playing online now and then on both android and pc
I think without the ps3 and xbox 360 versions we might have got a better textures, maybe at the E3 2012 demo they didnt know the game would have to be toned down for the consoles or maybe they just wanted to build up the hype like lots of movie and game makers have been doing for years

Thing is, textures aren't created at low resolutions, so there are extremely high res textures sitting on a database somewhere at Ubisoft, so why on earth they don't just include them I have no idea, but with how poorly the game handles RAM and VRAM, it's probably a good idea we got subpar textures even on ultra. Graphics aren't everything, but GTA 5 looks better in most aspects, and that's directly compared to PC ultra. Visually they dropped the ball and optimisation isn't good either, reminds me of GTA 4 in a few ways. 8GB RAM and 2GB VRAM minimum requirement is hilarious considering the textures are crap and it has no draw distance what so ever. :/

No idea what's going on with the anti-aliasing either, every option does barely anything to get rid of the million jaggies on everything.
GTA 5 looks better in most aspects, and that's directly compared to PC ultra.

Lol, GTA V does not look better than watchdogs on PC.


Watch Dogs with some added SweetFX. Think it looks pretty nice, some of the lighting effects are great. Will post some more in the rain tomorrow :)



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The reason for the negative comments about how the game looks are in a large part a response to the ridiculous amount and tone of the marketing being shoved down all our throats for the past 2 years...

If the marketing had focused more on what revolutionary gameplay the game would have instead of "1080p60fps!!!!1!1!!!!111" "Move over everybody, Next-Gen has finally arrived" etc. etc. Can you really blame people for expecting it to set the bar as far as graphical fidelity was concerned?

The devs invited this kind of criticism on themselves
The reason for the negative comments about how the game looks are in a large part a response to the ridiculous amount and tone of the marketing being shoved down all our throats for the past 2 years...

If the marketing had focused more on what revolutionary gameplay the game would have instead of "1080p60fps!!!!1!1!!!!111" "Move over everybody, Next-Gen has finally arrived" etc. etc. Can you really blame people for expecting it to set the bar as far as graphical fidelity was concerned?

The devs invited this kind of criticism on themselves

There's criticism (and I am very critical about what was done regards the graphics) and there's downright lying saying GTA v looks better. Hell, I saw one comment saying GTA v on PC will look better than watchdogs.:confused: GTA v PC doesn't even exist lol. In fairness to ubi, we were showed gameplay footage showing the downgrade before release so anyone saying they felt duped into buying it based on E3 2012 footage is talking nonsense.
Played a bit of this on my mates PS4 t'other day, found it all a bit meh. Don't mind the graphics, and I like the hacking (especially when you're able to do it on the fly or via cameras), but the driving and other aspects of the game leave me a bit underwhelmed.

Promptly shoved GTA V into the 360 and started playing that :o
No idea what's going on with the anti-aliasing either, every option does barely anything to get rid of the million jaggies on everything.

That's nonsense the difference between no aa and smaa is night and day.

I really don't understand all the hate as it plays very nicely and story isn't bad :)
If the marketing had focused more on what revolutionary gameplay the game would have instead of "1080p60fps!!!!1!1!!!!111" "Move over everybody, Next-Gen has finally arrived" etc. etc.

They've talked about the gameplay a lot :confused: Hell that video shows a lot of gameplay that is not dissimilar to what we ended up with.
That a proof of concept video 2 years before release ends up different to the final product? Yep, never happened before. Remember at that time the spec for the next gen consoles wasn't even finalised.

We are talking about PC here, not consoles.

Maybe they have plans for a hd texture pack update.
I think it looks good and plays ok. Just done the sp game and been playing online now and then on both android and pc
I think without the ps3 and xbox 360 versions we might have got a better textures, maybe at the E3 2012 demo they didnt know the game would have to be toned down for the consoles or maybe they just wanted to build up the hype like lots of movie and game makers have been doing for years

The textures are already good enough. You need better DoF effects, shadows, GI, better AI, physics and so on.

Have they really? I seem to remember that the e3 2012 demo was running on 2 or more Titans. How many PC users have a more powerful setup than that 2 years on?

I think it was 1 or 2 GTX680. Anyway, there are already some games out there that require 2 or 3 high end cards if you want 60 all the time, maxed out. That is not an issue.
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I think it was 1 or 2 GTX680. Anyway, there are already some games out there that require 2 or 3 high end cards if you want 60 all the time, maxed out. That is not an issue.

The only games like that, that I can think off are linear fps games. Really don't get the big fuss about the graphics. They are gorgeous and its pretty much one of the nicest looking games I've played on PC.

And anyway, the point I was making was in reply that PCs are much more powerful from e3 2012. They really aren't much more powerful.
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