Originally posted by Lopéz
Excellent debating in GD everyone - the likes of which we don't see too often.
This is a real archive-worthy thread
- and i thought i was opening a can of worms but it seems to have worked quite well
A few more views from myself, firstly i would like to say how it is quite disturbing to hear form MYB and others who were beaten and abued as kids - this is definatly not the way to bring up kids and has obviously had a lasting effect.
However - i dont feel that smacking and beating are the same, smacking isnt violence in the same way as beating, it is done because we love our children, yes violence through love, sounds strange but its for the good in the longrun as long as it is the sort of controlled smack used appropriatly as is widely recognised by most in this thread.
Banning smacking wont help anyone - it will cause more trouble than good and those who resort to beating their children, well its not smacking and its already illegal (child abuse, GBH, ABH, assult etc.) and it doesnt stop them does it?? NO
Those who beat their children and take the discipline too far, including verbal abuse and i have witnessed a lot of this in some areas does generally come from those in the lower eschelons of society, yes i'm sorry to generealise but the working classes, poorer people do generally have more discipline problems and treat their children worse than the middle or upper class famalies.
EDIT: P.S - for the person who asked how many actually have kids, well - i dont BUT i did live with my niece for the first 2 years of her life, and am her godfather and present a father figure to some extent too as her dad is not around, i am involved in discipline of her as well as the nice things - i went round to see my sis yesterday and ended up playing farms for an hour