What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

39 here, currently playing The Talos Principle whilst I wait for my gtx1080 to arrive, then it's on to Doom and The Witcher 3.

I may crack and buy some VR soon though and get back into Elite: Dangerous
42 year old playing in no order =
stalker series with mods
Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2 with mods at times
watchdogs still
some old RPG from the 80's & 90's
cs & css
fc4 yes still

This on a good rig, the complete mods are really good but there are also some other greats ones out there. i love the ones that introduce an insane level of difficulty realistic ammo weight is fun too. Not being able to travel around tooled up to the nines really helps you plan ahead.
I finally got engaged in the world of The Witcher. Skipped no.1 but playing no.2. It hasn't gripped me as much as I expected it to from all the comments on the series but I'll stick with it.
47 here (I don't feel like it, more like 22 ha!)

Pretty much all the racing sim/game's (wheel set up)
Ashes of Singularity
Bioshock (returned to see if it was how I remembered)
Everybodys Gone to Rapture

My problem now I'm older is my displays I've bought myself are now considerably larger(34/40) than of years past (22 etc) and I find myself getting motion sickness on first person shooters especially with games like Doom. I may have to try a smaller screen again to test my theory.
I finally got engaged in the world of The Witcher. Skipped no.1 but playing no.2. It hasn't gripped me as much as I expected it to from all the comments on the series but I'll stick with it.

Stick with it, I found the first 2 games a bit slow to get into.
This on a good rig, the complete mods are really good but there are also some other greats ones out there. i love the ones that introduce an insane level of difficulty realistic ammo weight is fun too. Not being able to travel around tooled up to the nines really helps you plan ahead.

been playing a LOT of stalker mods on all 3 versions over the years, since the game first came out in fact. luck, Oblivion Lost, misery ( can not wait for 2.2 version ) are a few of the best ones out there. Also the old inferno one too was good but he has not updated that mod for years now :(.

oh lost alpha is good too. built from the ground up.

stalker is always being modded like you know, I check here nowadays =
36 and been PC gaming for well over 20 years, though I don't think the wife will ever get used to it!

As others have mentioned, I used to almost exclusively play mp games online (I was a pretty good fps player once upon a time) but the reactions just aren't there any more so nowadays prefer slower paced SP games.

Similar position here. Reading around it seems to suggest that reaction times peak around the age of 21-24 and then you head into decline. Interestingly this probably tallies with when I thought I was at my peak in terms of aim in my FPS of choice (Quakeworld). Nowadays I have more experience and have improved other skills but aim not quite at that level. I also find that opponents may react quicker and get frustrated e.g. I meet an enemy coming round a corner, press fire as soon as I see them, but die before I get my shot off (to be clear, I'm not talking about situations where they might have known I was there because of sound cues, team comms etc and were able to launch a pre-emptive strike, or had a lower ping, they must have just out-reacted me).
One vaguely interesting point however is that nowadays the majority of players are 'old' in Quakeworld and the top players despite being in their 30s or perhaps late 20s still on the face of it have pretty good reactions. So it does leave me wondering if there is more to it, perhaps something else hampering my reactions.
Almost 40.....
World of Tanks, World of Warships, Armored Warfare, and bits of Xcom 2, TW Attila, Stellaris, while waiting Civ 6.....
fyi WoT alone around 8000 hours over the last 5 years.......
Ya know, going through the games people in here are playing, I have to say - I dont see any real difference between what we play and what younger gamers play.

Which makes me question whether this thread is even relevant or necessary.

Well your conclusion comes courtesy of the posts in this thread, so...
turned 35 10 days ago, I haven't played a game in about 3 months.

The time I spent gaming is now spent working on my own things to improve the standard of life we have as a family.

I do miss it, but I've wasted years playing Eve and god knows what other games. If I upgrade my PC again I may dable in VR gaming as i have a business opportunity in that area but my PC and 360 aren't being used for games at all, I don't even play anything on my phone.
33 :)
Currently really enjoying Overwatch.
I've also recently played through the Gabriel knight sins of the father remake, the DotT remake and the remaster of Grim fandango. Was a big fan of the old point and click games back in the day and enjoyed the stroll down memory lane.
39 and still a manchild! my gaming taste has stayed the same for years in that I'll still play anything! but ARMA 3 is my go to game of late, nothing comes close to it's scale & versatility last I checked I'd put in over 1500 hours (I need to get out more :)).
32 and struggling to keep focus on a single game for very long atm :(

I tend to play games like WoW , FM or cities skylines where I can play for a little bit and take a break.
51. Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Black Mesa. Prefer games with story and mood that let you take your time making choices. Nothing frenetic or fast paced, can't keep up with that ****. Totally lost interest in driving sims for the same reason brain can't keep up.


Surely all you old men in this thread should be spending your evenings sitting in an arm chair watching old black & white films.....


You'd have to be a OAP to remember B&W films when they first came out. :p
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