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What card are you currently rocking?

10 Sep 2022
I'm surprised at the amount of 4090's people have , after all the far too expensive fanfare I wouldn't have expected so many, so does that mean that in effect it's actually good value?

I have a power colour red dragon 6800xt bought a couple of months ago at. Though seeing the prices of them now which I'd hung out a bit longer lol
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4 Feb 2011
I'm surprised at the amount of 4090's people have , after all the car too expensive fanfare I wouldn't have expected so many, so does that mean that in effect it's actually good value?

I have a power colour red dragon 6800xt bought a couple of months ago at. Though seeing the prices of them now which I'd hung out a bit longer lol

I think most people, want the best card available at the time, even if they have to stretch their funds. If it is too expensive, but ultimately I wanted that extra performance offered, and the need to drive higher frame rates (monitor dependent)

I definitely overpaid for my 4090 but wanted the better build quality (apparently) even if if it doesn't make a difference technically to performance, it should run cooler etc, with the same demands. And I was hesitant to buy 2nd hand from ebay even though I could have saved close to 500 doing so.

Once I have access to the MM that may change in future.
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19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
1650 at the moment - does fine for Team Fortress 2, CSGo, Diablo II Remastered and the occasional bit of Fortnite.
Keeping half an eye open on Prime Day though, as might pick up a 6600, 3060Ti or similar if there any deals
26 Apr 2017
It's does seem that people are either hanging on to previous gen (understandable) or going all out for a 4090.
Not how it works.

Its just that less than 10% buy high end cards.
Obviously there are some people here that has a lot of money and are not the average consumer.
the 90% that does not buy a 7900xtx/4090 usually buys something else.

Forums skews the ratio and people come to believe fairytales even.

so, no your comment dont make sense.

using a 6700xt at 4k and its amazing and dont need a high end card for it.
It would also triple the cost without giving any benefit.
13 Sep 2010
3060ti, could do with a little bit more power for some games and while I could afford a 4090, I don't find myself playing games enough to warrant the expense.

I'm kinda tempted by a 6800XT at £500 but am also hoping 7900xt drops to around the £600-650 level, as I think it would last me a fair bit longer before feeling like upgrading again, so sitting on the fence for now
15 Dec 2010
Not how it works.

Its just that less than 10% buy high end cards.
Obviously there are some people here that has a lot of money and are not the average consumer.
the 90% that does not buy a 7900xtx/4090 usually buys something else.

Forums skews the ratio and people come to believe fairytales even.

so, no your comment dont make sense.

using a 6700xt at 4k and its amazing and dont need a high end card for it.
It would also triple the cost without giving any benefit.

I wasn't asking the mass market I was asking the forum. The trend I stated is correct based on the replies so far.

It depends what games you want to play and at what settings. A 6700XT is not enough for recent AAA games at 4k at max. But if that's not what you want or need then fair enough.
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