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What card are you currently rocking?

Do you ever monitor GPU load while gaming? So how hard it is actually working?

Yeah via RTSS. Cyberpunk is the only game that I've got in my library that really taxes any card so heavily. Most other games the card is still hittin that 98/99% utilisation but still running realy slack as it's not being stressed or because my 12700KF is the bottleneck so I have to make do with just 130fps or something like that lol. Here's what I've seen in testing:

FG off, PT on @ 3440x1440

FG on, PT on @ 3440x1440

FG on, PT on @ 5160x2160

With path tracing off but RT and SSR set to Psycho it's all trivial, always well over 100fps on psycho RT so it makes no sense to play with path tracing off any more where available with all this GPU power :p
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Yeah via RTSS. Cyberpunk is the only game that I've got in my library that really taxes any card so heavily. Most other games the card is still hittin that 98/99% utilisation but still running realy slack as it's not being stressed or because my 12700KF is the bottleneck so I have to make do with just 130fps or something like that lol. Here's what I've seen in testing:

FG off, PT on @ 3440x1440

FG on, PT on @ 3440x1440

FG on, PT on @ 5160x2160

With path tracing off but RT and SSR set to Psycho it's all trivial, always well over 100fps on psycho RT so it makes no sense to play with path tracing off any more where available with all this GPU power :p

Which DLSS setting are you using?
Which DLSS setting are you using?
It's on auto currently which I believe is somewhere lopped around balanced/quality. but manually setting to quality makes not a big difference to fps anyway nor picture quality thanks to the settings/resolution being used so I just left it on auto. Everything else on ultra, Psycho SSR.That's with path tracing by the way.
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It's on auto currently which I believe is somewhere lopped around balanced/quality. but manually setting to quality makes not a big difference to fps anyway nor picture quality thanks to the settings/resolution being used so I just left it on auto. Everything else on ultra, Psycho SSR.That's with path tracing by the way.

And you're getting 74 with PT at UW without frame gen? Wow.
And you're getting 74 with PT at UW without frame gen? Wow.
That's the beauty of the 4090 :D

For reference, my 3080 Ti FE in less busy areas with those same settings (minus frame gen of course) was getting:

3080 Ti FE DLSS Quality:

3080 Ti FEDLSS Ultra Performance :cry:

^ In that scene the 4090 is hitting 90fps or a bit more with frame gen off.

For your peepers here's q quick video I just did with the above settings, frame generation off :cool:

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Yeah 3080 Ti is basically 2-3% behind a 3090, and not that far off a 3090 Ti really. It's so close it made the price difference they launched at quite hilarious lol.
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