Ahh, I remember the 125 days... even on a varadero with the 'full' 14bhp, overtaking anything going 40-50mph needed to be planned an hour in advance! You had to start accelerating before you got close to the car to make sure you had the speed when you got to the car to make the overtake none of this 'knock it down a gear and twist' on a big bike
125's are actually a little dangerous when it comes to overtakes, you need so much of a gap and you're exposed to danger for far too long - much better to be past something in 2-3 seconds.
Yeah exactly, had some situations where a miss-shifted gear could have ended badly. Being stuck behind a smoker in his corsa/fiesta or a old diesel bus is not exactly fun...
If i wanted to overtake on my cbr125 i had to build up speed for about 2 minutes, by then the chance had vanished
I'll mesure the 0-62mph speed using couple apps on my N5 whilst mounted on the handlebars with mobile data on for better GPS accuracy. I bet its something between 14-15+ seconds, no comparison to a 5s on a big bike.
If you get a chance to ride a bigger bike (private roads ofc! ), then do it. But a warning, the 125 will not be as fun afterwards...