YAY!! well done, Mod 2 is a breeze in comparison
I sat on the SV650SA (my dealer has a fully faired black SV 2012 4000 miles 1 owner for 3700, I think)
That's expensive, they're 4K new without the lower fairing (which can be had for £200).
Wow 2 pages of posts already, not reading that. I saw Clovis pass his mod 1, nice!
I sat on the SV650SA (my dealer has a fully faired black SV 2012 4000 miles 1 owner for 3700, I think) its not a big bike. Its really hard to say if it'll be comfortable, I would have test one out.
I'm thinking of getting something along the lines of GS650, just other brand as BMW is out of my budget...
Do you think I should start searching for a bike now? Or wait until I've done my mod 2?
Hopefully winter has been through the coldest and rainiest period now
Start looking by all means, but in terms of a purchase, I found it really fun and easy riding my 125 to a bike shop and riding off with my new 650 having px'd my YBR125.
That's the advantage of waiting, you'd also get to test ride it (if the dealer is willing).
However buying one now (if you can get it delivered) would mean you can start preparing it, adding bits, removing bits, and generally tidying it up in preparation for the big day.
confused, you sold your bike? which one?
Yeah, when you don't have a bike for a longer period of time you start to emulate the engine noises and your colleagues look at you like 'wtf is he doing'. (joke)
What bike did you put the deposit on and what bike did you sell?
If your side stand is down or the bike thinks it is due to a bust or dirty side stand sensor then it won't start in gear.I had a seriously blonde moment with the bike yesterday morning.
Was leaving the house at 0530, so being considerate to the neighbours, I wheeled the bike from the back of the house to the bottom of the drive so I could just start and go.
Bike wouldn't start, no ECU noise you normally get when you first turn the ignition on, no starter relay click, no starter turning over. The Suzuki CHEC(k) warning appeared on the clock and I checked whatever I could think of but had no joy. Ended up taking the car to work.
Got home last night and began to try and work out what the problem was. It turned out to be a combination of the engine kill switch in the wrong position (I never use it, must've inadvertently caught it with something)(and BASICS, man, BASICS! lol ) and the temperamental neutral light being even more temperamental than normal - which is weird because I thought it was only the clutch that had to be pulled on for starting,and that it didn't matter if the bike was in gear?
Anyway, so today, I got to work on the neutral switch. Took it off, cleaned it out with WD40 and refitted it. It's a lot better than it ever has been. I find it almost impossible to go from 2nd to neutral, but 1st to neutral with neutral light illuminated is a lot better now.
Going to take her out for a spin tomorrow morning when the kids are at school (weather looking good) then take her on the usually rainy commute to work for the night shift tomorrow night.