What did you do to your bike today?

Spent some time finishing the DR engine rebuild and getting it back in the frame. Clutch side is all sealed up and finished, still looking for a starter gear and left side engine case!

Got the solenoid fitted, starter button made and all wired up.
Currently having issues with an oil pipe, its different between the kick and electric start models so I'm trying to bend it a different route to miss the starter etc.
Took the bike out twice this weekend and loved every minute of it. Finally wearing down the chicken strips on my news tyres. Cant wait for Spring!
Cleaned the bike up, cleaned the brakes a little, checked tire pressures, topped up the oil, lubed the chain and spent the day riding in the mist with several others, went out to Finchingfield for lunch.

Thanks. I honestly don't think I've seen another bike since getting this, that would make me feel jealous :)

I did want to cry when I bounced it down Brands Hatch... most of the evidence of that is gone now though.
Today, I've put my new cover on the bike... lets hope this one stays! There are holes at the front for a chain to go through, but my Almax goes through the rear wheel. I don't really want to have to use another lock to secure the cover... but maybe if I'm not using it for a long period then I might as well.

I have those holes in my cover, front and back, and you can easily thread your chain through them and either wheel before locking it up - then the cover is secure and so is you bike :)
Don't worry Fireskull, I'll make sure it has it's own thread too. Will get some video footage of it on the roadtest as well. Watch this space! :)

The ZFi unit alone was £610, I got it from HPS and they were doing some great deals in December. If I bought the traction control light with the ZFi, they chucked in the handlebar control switch for free (£120 worth). Bit of a result as I wanted those anyway, couldn't quite stretch to the self mapping control unit, will try and get that in due course. So in total it cost me £684. Most I've ever spent on mods for a bike!

Cheaper than trading in tho :D
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