Bike is dead again after 2 days of no use :/
Sounds like your battery may well be up crap creek.
Cheap enough to replace at least.
Could always buy a cheap multimeter then you can check your battery and all the things like your alternator and rectifier as well just to be sure.
I might try kicking my YBR into life when I get home tonight it's been sat in the shed unridden since I passed my test in June!
Probably worth me hooking my optimiser charger up to that as my SV doesn't go more than 2 days without a run.
How much did you pay for your SV?
it wont take long to discharge if laid up and not being ridden
wait till you come to sell it and stick a cheap battery in,in the meantime leave your trickle charger connected to it,it wont overcharge the battery
A touch under 2k IIRC.
Any reason why you didn't part ex your YBR?
Ah, did you buy your SV from a garage or private?