What did you do to your bike today?

I'm just waiting for the rush hour looneys to get off the road then it'll be a long ride out followed by some chain lubing & a bit of clean & polish.
Days like these are what it's all about. :cool:
Ordered a phone mount and charger
New SBS Sintered front pads

And today will be ordering some HEL brake line kits and I need a new tyre, not sure weather to wait and bid on a D211 GP front if I can get it for under £100 or just order a SportSmart at £115, I know the SportSmart will get more mileage.... decisions...

All in prep for going to the TT next week :D
Mine is down the road at BikeTreads having a set of Bridgestone S20s fitted :D

Oh and a few weeks back I installed some Brembo pads front and back :eek: It's like hitting a brick wall now :cool: Also did an oil and filter change and stuck a new (OEM) air filter in.
Thought I'd give the bike a good clean down today. Couple of weeks worth of bugs and **** to remove :rolleyes:

Hosed down, sprayed on Fuchs Off, hosed down again, bucket of water and Auto Glym with a bug sponge all over, hosed down again, hand dry, apply ACF-50 to relevant parts with a rag. Also gave the chain a good clean :)

Sha-ting! :D


Mine has an inline switch so I just connected it to the battery and ran it to the handlebars. I don't mess with electrics, reg/green colourblind and 9 parts useless. Also it is a USB power point.

Though saying that I've never heard of fuse taps before and look simple enough.
Thought I'd post some feedback on the S20s.

Hard to explain really, I don't know what/how to feel grip etc; sounds daft I know. They felt odd really - the Rosso Corsa on there before felt light, flighty and quick to respond, but the S20s feel.... weighted. It feels odd, like my wheels are notably heavier, not sure whether steering feels slower or not yet, as I was being careful scrubbing them in.

On corners it felt as if I were riding in troughs, or "on rails", maybe that is what grip feels like? Maybe having a rear tyre that has a profile in the middle, rather than being flatter is adding to the odd feeling...

I did find that slow speed stuff, like mini roundabouts were noticeably harder to navigate, it felt like turning was really heavy/slow.

Jury is open for now...
Cleaned bike then cleaned and lubed chain (reminded me why I kept putting it off :D) must get some S Doc stuff.

I was walking like John Wayne after a long ride with being knelt down for so long.
I got on my hands and knees and used a toothbrush to clean the chain. Normally I use my chain cleaning dooberry and whilst clean the chain could look better, but with the toothbrush it's like new again. The bloody bike better appreciate it, my knees certainly didn't.
Cleaned and lubed chain today then went for a ride. Came back and adjusted the shift lever. Gonna go out and give my wheels a bit of a clean now.
bought some copper washers so i can fit the brake lines back how they were.

£1.52 a piece from one place and i wanted 10 so £15.20 + getting there as quite far away.....

Walked up local bike shop who is normally expensive to get 10 for £2 and be told "because it's you Dan."..... :)
Yesterday was obviously chain maintenance day then, as I gave mine a proper clean and lube now I have the correct fittings for my Abba stand :)
Not my bike but I rebuilt a set of calipers on saturday for a fazer. Pistons were right out and subject to a lot of dirt and pads were ... a bit passed it.

Pistons removed, seals were OK so a good clean all round and then new pads and bled through.

Rear yet to be done but when you push the lever down the wheel still spins - nice!
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