What did you do to your bike today?

Nice one. Nice work on the fluid. The difference in quality is immense!

They said the fluid bottle can last up to a month with the lid on tight.

I will use the rest up if I need to bleed the front more and then on a couple of mates bikes.
Shame to waste it after paying so much for a litre!
Nice, but I'm bias :o is it a 07+?

Yep, its a 07

Hmmm, might get some, I've been after black with red adjusters. Actually, just remembered about these, quite tempting: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281410122350?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT - they would go nicely with my mirrors I reckon as they also have the textured type look

Btw, just make sure you wash/rinse off properly after using wire wool else you might get rusty spots.

I've bought these - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221536381363

BTW I've ordered a paddock stand and found out how much it'll cost me to get a painted belly pan with the exact same colour code paint as my SV. Only 60 quid compared to 150 here :D
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Offroad Truck, Impreza, R6 and YZ. I want to move over to America! So jelly! :p What do you do for a living or are vehicles just cheap down there?
I don't have the WRX anymore.

Vehicles are cheaper though, even like for like they are cheaper to purchase here. Second hand market is very expensive though
ace, I am over at my parents in Bradenton end of April for a few weeks, does the place you go rent gear and bikes? :D
I'd completely forgotten about the tying the front lever back trick after doing your brakes so thanks to whoever pointed it out earlier fronts are now perfect after changing the fluid yesterday.
Brake was better this morning but still not what I'd call firm.

Going to the dealership later to at least pull on some demo bikes!
Much better! Although I would still want smaller indicators? I stuck with my stock ones for a while after doing my tail tidy, then put the R&G LED micro ones on which look much much better. Need to see it from the back really though.
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