I do really like those CBR6 F's & that's one of the better colours as well, No vid clip of the end can Blasting is Major Fail though
I'll sort something out on the weekend. Problem is video audio never does them justice!
Failed it's MOT, leaking fork seal and wheel bearings.
bad luck
Wheel bearings will be the hardest bit/most expensive, I'd do the fork seals myself if you have the kit.
Wheel bearings will be the hardest bit/most expensive, I'd do the fork seals myself if you have the kit.
Failed it's MOT, leaking fork seal and wheel bearings.
If you have stands and they're aren't seized in the wheel, bearings are dead easy to replace?
How old is your bike/how many miles?
Definitely easier and quicker than changing fork seals.
Does it not come out using the inner leg as a slide hammer, the bushes inside pushing it out?