Decided to fit the new chain and sprocket set I've had sitting in the shed since the start of last year.
Got everything in bits then found out my trusty 32mm sprocket socket that's been fine for the last decades worth of bikes was too small for the triumph... No worries Halfords had a cheap one in stock so off I went to get that.
Rear sprocket all sorted, chain chopped off, rear wheel back in, front sprocket all placed on the shaft... Then I finally unwrapped the chain that's been sat for 14 months. They'd only gone and sent me a 530 pitch when I'd ordered and needed 525
New chain ordered and a £90 lesson in why you should always check your packages when they arrive!
Now I need to wait for it to arrive, the weather gods to grace me with some dry vaguely warm weather and most importantly my wife to keep the baby amused. Taking all that into account the bike might be up and running around the end of the season