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What do gamers actually think about Ray-Tracing?

29 Nov 2008
Nothing has changed, Ray tracing is still an afterthought for most devs. Games need to be designed from the beginning with Ray tracing in mind, bolting it on at the end just kills performance which means they have to compremise on quality.

It can be done, the Metro remake is an example of this and it runs great even on older RTX cards.
Exactly Metro is stunning and runs great on say 3090.
29 Nov 2008
And we sense another ******** but we don't shout about it ;) :p

Tbf 4K is still v v harsh to runand you def need the gfx cajones to back it up (unless older games are played)
I agree with the need for more power to push frames @4K, been gaming on 4K since the start, and like you mentioned Jedi, older games not so much but yeah newer titles I like higher framerates :)
18 Oct 2002
I agree with the need for more power to push frames @4K, been gaming on 4K since the start, and like you mentioned Jedi, older games not so much but yeah newer titles I like higher framerates :)
I've had them all m8 most cards and monitors and it still amazes me how much 4k pushes hardware. Ultrawide is a nice medium I've found, still get good visuals without it being enormously taxing on a system
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
What gpu do gamers think is needed now to run Ray-Tracing higher than 1080p?

HU video approaches it from the other end:

...HDR takes things to the next level modern games use HDR better than ever and most use its capabilities to crank brightness for various onscreen elements the sun will have a blinding brightness to it street lights will look incredibly Punchy on a dark Street at night muzzle flashes Dazzle the contrast and depth to the image is typically enhanced to a greater level than you'd see from Simply cranking up the graphics preset from say medium to ultra and in in a lot of games HDR has a greater impact than ray tracing at no cost to performance
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Nothing has changed, Ray tracing is still an afterthought for most devs. Games need to be designed from the beginning with Ray tracing in mind, bolting it on at the end just kills performance which means they have to compremise on quality.

It can be done, the Metro remake is an example of this and it runs great even on older RTX cards.

It's also not helped by greedy companies who say one thing and do another. Both companies pushing RT(especially Nvidia) and then upselling trash.

If the RTX4070 and RX7800XT had been the sub £400 RTX4060TI and RX7700XT they should have been and the RTX4060TI 16GB and RX7700XT 12GB been the RTX4060 16GB and RX7700 12GB at £300,RT could have been pushed more by developers.

If these companies actually gave every GPU tier a good performance jump each generation, I would expect more people would warm to RT.

The most popular RTX4000 card on Steam is the RTX4060 and most popular card is the RTX3060.

Both weaker than my RTX3060TI which is itself is limited for RT now IMHO.
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4 Jun 2009
This would be true if people had capable monitors and tv’s in the first place. Outside of recent qd oled monitors, hdr on PC monitors has been a joke.

Given HuB’s audience, I have little hope they even know the difference between sdr and hdr…

Not to mention, completely different kind of tech, which accomplishes completely different things. The comparison of HDR and RT is one of the worst comparisons you can do.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
The most popular RTX4000 card on Steam is the RTX4060 and most popular card is the RTX3060.

In some way shape or form we have touched on this many times regarding the low tiers a) not being capable to cope with RT (Turing 2060 started it) and b) its the worst stagnation zone for dGPU - and as you mention who's going to toggle this on when it runs barely double digit frames..

This would be true if people had capable monitors and tv’s in the first place.

Which I think is their point right? **checks video title**
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