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What do gamers actually think about Ray-Tracing?

9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth


Posted as a separate post so not to mess up other useful threads regarding ray tracing.

Worth completing this HUB survey too if you have a minute, it's part of the above video and link is also in the description area too and below here.

SURVEY: https://forms.gle/u43Pa7wEt63nZwSH7

I do wonder once the new generation of cards drops how much this ratio will change next year? Going to be very dependent on how well the sub £500 cards perform. If the RTX5060 and RX8600 end up being potatoes like the current ones,think there still be this big divide between enthusiasts on forums and gaming plebs in general. If they can't match an RTX4070/RX7800XT at under £350 it is going to be quite amusing to watch. We won't be worrying about 4K,it will be 720p Master Race upscaled to 1080p Ultimate Resolution - sure @TNA will approve! :cry:

Also,how is the lack of puddles this week for everyone? Terrible lack of reflections.
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Reactions: TNA
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Really hope the 40" ultrawide is very expensive. Then we can see how creative the excuses will be :D

It's more immersive, its more efficient desk space, um you see ultrawide IRL.

Edit: Just realised my GPU is now 1.5 years old, basically EOL now.
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Reactions: TNA
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