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What do gamers actually think about Ray-Tracing?

22 Nov 2005
'Special interest'

Who wrote that website.... someone whos not autistic and has no experience of it?

"special interest" is nonsense, its "hyper focused interest" and they usually last anywhere from 2 weeks to maybe 8 before the person usually finds something else fascinating.

My adult son has a stupid amount of playtime in some games though.

It also states

they bring autistic people much joy and can be a positive influence on the rest of their lives - helping them develop friendships, determining what they might study or focusing their career choice.
only 22% of autistic people had a job as of 2021 stats and Idoubt you would find many who find "joy" in their life, most seem depressed and abandoned by society

Autistic people don;t really develop friendships because the majority get burnt out so fast from social interaction they end up distant and losing contact and then won't do anything to maintain it.

Oh I just read the "about us" seems their only experience is with autistic children...... :rolleyes: (roll eyes cos no one cares about autistic adults and theres 0 help if you need it)
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30 Dec 2010
Over here
I didn't post the article because of its medical validity. I posted it as a joke.

Also, as an autistic adult (diagnosed in adulthood) I don't really relate to anything you've said, it is a spectrum after all.

I'm sorry you feel there is no help available. I get a lot of support through work and in fact we really embrace the neurodiversity especially in defence sector. So again, can't really relate.
Outside of work though, I don't really feel I need it, I adapt to stuff as best I can and not really sure what anyone else could do for me.

Edit. Actually yes on the friends thing. I can happily not see people for a long long time and have no need or ability to have a large social circle. Quality > quantity there.

Anyhoo, people want to talk about RT, not watch Autismo the clown show. Happy to talk about any of it in a more appropriate place.
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