What film did you watch last night?

The Cell.
Visually a wonderfully bizarre mix, the ideas of the film sound good on paper (maybe would have made a better book), the end result is just an average serial killer flick.

Inside Man.
I've heard mixed reviews on this, but from my point of view it was a brilliant bank heist film.
Clive Owen and Denzel Washington both play their parts really well. Well scripted, some nice little twists and turns.
Very enjoyable.

Typical disaster movie, with good effects and the typical saviour moments..

Still, I liked it quite a lot.
Daybreakers on Saturday - not bad at all - a nice different take on the genre!! (even if the plot turns ou to be a bit basic) - 7.5/10

Did You Hear About The Morgans last night - Average at best!
(Unsurprisingly) a mix of SJP's Sex and the City character and Hugh Grants "everyfilm" character (ie. bumbling englishman) with a bit of a story thrown in! - 5/10

Watched Serenity last night, had seen it before but this time I watched it after watching Fire Fly. It was obviously much more enjoyable and finished the story off better. 4/5
Watched these in the past week:

Moon - Wasn't what i was expecting/had in mind for the storyline but i thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Boat That Rocked - Excellent film, funny and had a great cast. Definitely worth a watch.

Pi - Don't know what to think of this one. I was left thinking 'WTF?!' at the end.

Blow - Excellent film, Depp was brilliant. Better than what i was expecting.

We Own The Night - Again, I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as i did. Ending was a bit meh though.

Body of Lies - Another one which i didn't have high hopes for, but once again Leo put in an excellent performance.

Gran Torino - Thought this was a bit slow moving. Could have been named something else as well as i didn't really see the car as a major part of the storyline.

The Hurt Locker - Excellent, really enjoyed this.

Full Metal Jacket - Once again, good film.

Looking back on it now, this was an awful waste of exam revision time :o. Damn you procrastination.
my summer of love : really enjoyed it, very english, suprisingly funny in parts

and of course ..Emily Blunt :)

it was a nice snapshot of 2 girls from disparate backgrounds in a small yorkshire town over the course of one summer.
The Business by Nick Love starring Danny Dyer

Acting was pretty cack and it was shot in a very conventional way.

I did find it very entertaining though :) 6/10
Pan's Labyrinth (again). Cried a bit as before. Spanish general guy is still one of my most hated characters in a movie, the general in Avatar doesn't even come close. I would have liked to see more fantastical creatures in the Labyrinth
Just nipped out to the newsagent and their's an eerie mist outside. Strange sounds too. Reminded me of the above movie lol.
The Road - Set the scene very well but just overall very disappointing, the ending came much too quick with not enough substance in the story to make the ending justified at all.. I thought the ending would have had much more of an impact if more of the story was let to unfold way more than what it did.
The Hurt Locker - Felt a bit shallow and could have been harder hitting, but very good alongside Jarhead. I don't really recognise any of the cast from other films so it worked well for me. Lead character was great, kinda reminded me of myself in some ways.

Man on Fire - I didn't know anything about this bar that it was like Taken. Not sure it was better as it was trying to be more serious and eye opening, which it was. Great performances all round, Washington is great.

Blade Runner directors cut - Over my life I have caught bits of this film but never managed to watch the whole of it. As an 80's film lover it ticked all the boxes for me. Lots of original set design, great lighting, gritty & slutty styling without being over the top and some pretty good performances all round. Weird film, but I like that b-movie feel.
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