What film did you watch last night?

I went to see the new X-Men film, days of future past.

If like me you enjoyed X1 and X2 but not Last Stand, and felt that First Class was heading in the right direction, you are really going to like Days of Future Past. if you have the option, most definately go for 3D...
The Man From Earth
Had a Google for sci fi films and this popped up. No explosions, no spaceships, no special effects and set almost entirely in a cabin and completely dialogue driven it's about a man who claims to be a survivor on earth from 14000 years ago. Looks very low budget but as soon as the story gets revealed it's apparent that this is a story that makes you think rather than search for eye candy.
Pleasantly surprised as I wasn't expecting to enjoy this after the first 10 minutes. A very interesting story

Lots of slow moving dialogue segments, could have done with more Godzilla and smashing things.

Still worthy of a 6/10 for what was shown.
I am going to buck the trend and say that I really enjoyed Godzilla. Much better than Amazing Spiderman and the Winter Soldier blockbusters. The script wasn't great but thats not why you go and see a monster film right?

I hadn't seen the Matthew Broderick version so I watched it last night and thought it was terible in comparison and definately a little dated. If its possible to say it, I thought it was much cheesier than the new one.
Prisoners. I didn't like it. It seemed quite amoral, and there was very little in the way of resolution, as no one was brought to justice in any way.
The Intouchables - 9.5/10

What a beautiful, heartwarming, touching film, just brilliant. Just put it on your list as one to watch :)

Easily in my top 3 films of all time. The chemistry and performances of the lead characters is mesmerizing at times. I envy people who get to watch this for the first time.
Dallas Buyers Club

A show of admirable determination regardless of the protagonist's intentions. Well worthy of its awards, with particular praise to Matthew Mahoghany (:p) and Jared Leto in equal measure. 9/10.
I'll have some of what the people who made The LEGO Movie have taken please!!!

Well maybe half the dose!! I think they took a little too much!!

5/10 if I wasn't in such a Kid at Heart!... so 8/10

"Everything is AWSOME!!" :D
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