What film did you watch last night?

Funnily enough, I recently watched the first two Potter movies and the first one especially was pretty bad (atrocious acting for the most part). The second was a lot better, but still not very good.


While it's not destined for classic status and isn't an amazing movie, I think some people try too hard to find fault with everything tbh.
It entertained me well enough, though it could've been a lot better. An enjoyable 6.5/10 on the old scale for me.
Funnily enough, I recently watched the first two Potter movies and the first one especially was pretty bad (atrocious acting for the most part). The second was a lot better, but still not very good.


While it's not destined for classic status and isn't an amazing movie, I think some people try too hard to find fault with everything tbh.
It entertained me well enough, though it could've been a lot better. An enjoyable 6.5/10 on the old scale for me.

It's the sort of movie you make when your broke or owe loads to the IRS.

maybe this is why arnie is pumping out crap films
Maybe, but it's not crap. It's just not great.
Sure, I could pick out faults and expand on what I think could've been done better.

I think we live in a time where the trend is to act like everything's complete **** if it isn't absolute gold.
Non Stop - 7/10

Not Bad!, Some good Tension, Had me guessing a few times, Lliam Neason being Lliam Neason, Sort of a modern version of Passenger 57. :)
Maybe, but it's not crap. It's just not great.
Sure, I could pick out faults and expand on what I think could've been done better.

I think we live in a time where the trend is to act like everything's complete **** if it isn't absolute gold.

I'll agree with your 6.5/10 using the modern review scale
You ain't that slick, Mr Ninja :p
There are loads of good and even great movies that I wouldn't bother buying.

As far as Sabotage goes, I'd call it above average at best. If you think it's crap, that's fine.
I just hope DM isn't writing a dissertation on why I'm so, so wrong at this very moment ;) :p
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Maybe, but it's not crap. It's just not great.
Sure, I could pick out faults and expand on what I think could've been done better.

I think we live in a time where the trend is to act like everything's complete **** if it isn't absolute gold.

I would actually genuinely say it was crap. Nothing said in the first 25-30 mins of the film(all I could take) was anything but crap. You had what 6-7 people just acting like cracked up psycho's. Being investigated after a problem with the op these people were passed fit to return to being on a swat like team.... really? Literally every word everyone but Arnie said on the team was insane and unbelievable, basically shouting at each other. It's utterly awful, the cops by the train, they all talk like idiots.

I haven't finished need for speed, found the little brother type character to be overly irritating, but while not well acted, they were at least "normal" and marginally believable in the roles.

Sabotage was in every single way utterly ridiculous for 30 minutes. Nothing redeemable from those 30 minutes, not a good line, not a good joke, not a good piece of acting, not a good piece of action, nothing.

I would say Sabotage on the old scale really is a 2-3/10, at best, and it's only under the new scale that people give out 6 or more out of 10 for such a piece of crap because they are used to that scale.

There are lots of "meh" films worthy of a real 5 or 6 out of 10, that have actual acting, believable characters, real dialogue, but equally crap stories or crap action.

EDIT:- just seen your last post, genuine lol :p
I just hope DM isn't writing a dissertation on why I'm so, so wrong at this very moment ;) :p

Not quite a dissertation by your standards, DM, but f'ing LOL all the same! :D :D

EDIT:- just seen your last post, genuine lol :p

:D :)


DM, I agree with what you're saying regarding the believability of it all.
The thing is, I wasn't expecting to watch a documentary on the DEA :)
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I wasn't expecting a bunch of red knecks to be DEA either.

when they were having that BBQ scene omg I just couldn't believe how stupid it was

I thought hollywood got past the "can't be a bad ass without being a penis head" many many years ago
But they were "undercover" DEA which makes it understandable as they were supposed to be as bad as the gangs they infiltrate and without a strong leader/father figure (while Arnie was taken away) they got worse.
Yup, I get really irked, I think someone said something regarding Need for speed along the lines of, why would you expect a story.... because it's a film.

There is nothing wrong with doing action, and there is nothing wrong with acting and writing alongside action. I don't expect to see a documentary but if I see 5 guys who should be locked up AND they were being investigated, so interviewed, polygraphs probably, drug testing..... no, I expect they'd be fired. It's instantly 100% unbelievable, there was no reason at any stage for them to act as they did.

Die Hard was good because the story was actually good, and the actors actually tried to act, and effectively no one seemed entirely out of place(FBI idiots aside).

Sabotage... it's just ridiculous. The thing is it wasn't just the drugged up redneck swat type team being stupid, it's that nothing they said was funny, nothing was interesting. It was just loud, and abrasive, being loud and abrasive lent nothing to the scene, it just made no sense. These are all actors who can act, some better than others, randomly shouting stupid nonsense is just.... stupid. It was needless. But the female cop who came in, her dialogue was equally as bad. THese weren't funny one liners, or just boring, but literally ridiculous.

There are plenty of boring films where the dialogue isn't interesting or great, but it's not seemingly purposefully utterly absurd.

Sabotage went beyond just meh, into, purposefully awful dialogue, like you have to go out of your way to write dialogue that made so little sense. The simple thing is they would all be sombre and say very little, one being drunk and angry makes sense, but just randomly talking about strippers and banging, and fighting with a cop. The guy was just instantly angry with no build up, no reason. Have her ask him a question like "where were you last night", so suggesting he's a suspect THEN he gets mental and angry. Instead it was just drivel, complete and utter drivel.

I just don't get the attitude that "it's an action film, so everything besides guns going off is pretty much irrelevant".

The difference between say Die Hard and some Dolph Lundgren was usually the story/dialogue/quality of acting. Not more guns or bigger explosions. The best action films have believable characters and action. The worse action films have less believable characters and action.

Die Hard 1, good, Die hard later on... worse dialogue, worse acting, worse casts, worse film. Matrix 2 and 3 were pap, 1 was briliant. More action, worse story, worse acting, less believable... and the sequels were horrendous. First one had less action, more story, but the story was better, the acting was better and the action in smaller bursts done a million times better made the entire film a million times better.
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Watched just over half of Need for Speed before giving up because it was so comically bad. I'm ok with an action film, I actually quite like some of the Fast & Furious films, they are enjoyable if mindless entertainment, but NfS was just awful on another level. I'd possibly go as far as saying it's the worst film I've ever seen. The acting was awful (what was the point of Michael Keaton other than to bum Aaron Paul's character?), the script was even worse, and I couldn't care less about any of the characters - 1/10

If like me you're really into cars and films about them, do yourself a favour and watch Rush intead.
I just don't get the attitude that "it's an action film, so everything besides guns going off is pretty much irrelevant".
I guess the dissertation was inevitable... :p

While I really can't be bothered to get into dissecting the film with you, I'll just note that the above quote does not represent my attitude.
I just don't get the attitude that "it's an action film, so everything besides guns going off is pretty much irrelevant".

I agree 100%.

I have seen comments like "switch your brain off - but a great movie".

For me, blockbuster (Summer) movies and action movies should have great story lines.

I remember watching Jurassic Park in the mid-90s in the cinema. This had me gripped. It was action. It was intense. It was gripping.

Die Hard was brilliant and had me on the edge of my seat.

Kick Ass was a super action flick that had me gripped. Hit Girl was was lethal as was her dad.

Terminator 2 - fantastic.

Star Wars movies (from the 70s-80s) - great. In Return of the Jedi, I was willing Harrison Ford to take down the shield generator. I loved it when the Ewoks were helping with the mission.

I can give plenty of examples of great action movies which had great story lines and kept the audience gripped.

Then we have the likes of Transformers (amongst a bunch of others). These are action movies where I actually couldnt care less if the entire cast dies. These are poor movies and in most cases produced in a short time frame.
Watched just over half of Need for Speed before giving up because it was so comically bad. I'm ok with an action film, I actually quite like some of the Fast & Furious films, they are enjoyable if mindless entertainment, but NfS was just awful on another level. I'd possibly go as far as saying it's the worst film I've ever seen. The acting was awful (what was the point of Michael Keaton other than to bum Aaron Paul's character?), the script was even worse, and I couldn't care less about any of the characters - 1/10

If like me you're really into cars and films about them, do yourself a favour and watch Rush intead.

the action scenes were also pants compared to the FF films , I seem to recall loads of gopro style footage of the road?
I think my brain turned off and never turned back on
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