What film did you watch last night?

I just don't get the attitude that "it's an action film, so everything besides guns going off is pretty much irrelevant".

I agree 100%.

I have seen comments like "switch your brain off - but a great movie".

For me, blockbuster (Summer) movies and action movies should have great story lines.

To be fair, movies weren't anywhere near as accessible as they are now and unfortunately its created a high population of jaded/pompous film watchers most of which should find another hobby at the rate they moan.

You have to realise that people are entertained by a number of aspects, particularly due to modern film technology. That may be visual art in terms of the world created and creatures/wepons/vehicles along with audio brilliance, not just a good story.

Take your example of Transformers, I watched the first movie and didn't enjoy it so I didn't bother with the second. However after watching Dark Side of The Moon at a friends house, in his incredible home theater, I completely changed my opinion. It's a visual masterpiece and with Dolby TrueHD, even the stars gliding across the clouds in the opening Paramount title cause your mouth to drop open when heard over 8 channels. Same goes for Total Recall, Tron, etc.

Yes there are films that 'have it all' and no they don't all need to 'have it all'.
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Transformers 4

I cant give it a score as it's like Macdonalds, a guilty secret that you know will be ****, taste good for the first 30 seconds then melt your insides with the sheer stupidity of how its made.
Friday The 13th - 4/10 Not really much of a story basically some guy going round killing everyone, has a good sex scene though which was the only good part lol
The Raid. In many ways it reminded me of Enter the Dragon. Both are some great fight scenes yoked to the service of a weak clichéd plot and terrible script recited by bad actors. It's like someone raided the Big Book Of Action Movie Plot Devices and picked ten at random. Hero's wife is pregnant (in all action films where the hero is already in relationship the wife must be pregnant) - check. Traitor in the midst (and obvious the moment you saw him) - check. Brothers on opposite sides - check. Etc.

And actually the fight scenes were that good because they were always fought for effect, not because it made sense. Villains queue up to be pummelled one at a time - check. Even the big fight against the dragon the two good guys carefully took it in turns for most of the fight, thus negating their main advantage.
Yes there are films that 'have it all' and no they don't all need to 'have it all'.

This is effectively the opposite the the opinion that irks me. I don't expect every film to have it all, it's the attitude on here when anyone says the story is crap you get the standard "what did you expect, it's an action film" as if the very idea of action films having good acting or stories is nuts.

Too many people act like all the best action films of the 80-90's were devoid of stories and acting completely, they were all brainless action films and as such the brainless action films of today are similar to the Die Hard's of a generation ago.

As before, Die Hard = real film, laughed off b-movies with Dolph Lundgren in were considered laughably poor in comparison to the better action films around.

It doesn't mean I can't enjoy a film of that level, but I also know it's a 4/10 film rather than a 8/10 film.

Well written and acted action films are a rarity these days, and too many people watch something like Sabotage and act like it is what an action film is supposed to be. This idea that if it's got a big name action star in and has explosions, a story is barely required and expecting or hoping for a good story is just silly.
Anyway. I've got to say that after following recommendations from similar threads on other forums, OcUK has seriously good taste!

I've watched some brilliant films thanks to you guys.

Transformers 4. They are getting worse I don't think I will bother with the next one after that performance. It was laboured and the product placement was really overt. The most interesting part was the prevalence of China and it's power being projected in a way that is traditionally only used for Uncle Sam.
Transformers 4. They are getting worse I don't think I will bother with the next one after that performance. It was laboured and the product placement was really overt. The most interesting part was the prevalence of China and it's power being projected in a way that is traditionally only used for Uncle Sam.

But the whole idea of the Movies (as was the Cartoons) IS Product Placement and Advertising the Toys etc...

I didn't think it was that bad!, Preferred Marky Mark to 'The Beef' (annoying little nickelodeon reject), Great to see places I've seen in the flesh only 2 weeks ago in Chicago getting destroyed (again)!! :D was a bit on the long side though!!!...

I'd give it a 6/10 possibly (at a stretch) 7/10 just for the 'GIANT ROBOTS AND DINOSAURS FIGHTING' :D
The Conjuring.

It was a pretty decent horror flick, nothing particularly stunning or creepy. It did make me laugh when they started to research the farmhouse and instantly came upon all the facts they could ever possibly have needed (yeahright).

There were some cool bits (I liked the blackness absorbing the daughter at her nans house), and there were some cringe bits (don't go down to the basement with a match dude). But overall a worthwhile watch, but I'll sleep easy in my bed.

I don't have a problem with the film being used to sell merchandise associated with it, it's the random commercial placements that you get bombarded with. I can live with Chevvy as the use of vehicles is fairly key to the film, but Beats Pill and Victoria's Secret?
Brick Mansions. 6/10. Not bad, the guy who manages to jump about all over the place is very good, in that you must have to be very fit to manage to do all of that.

Paul Walker, manages not to bad a performance as well. I believe this was his last film? as there is a tribute notice for him at the end.

As for the film, not bad, same old to be fair, but was okay.
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