What film did you watch last night?

I just got back from watching Guardians of the Galaxy, which was pretty awesome, really nicely done, a good script, great visuals and some great comedy moments.

I'd give it an easy 8.

If you liked Avengers, Thor, or Iron Man you'll enjoy this.
World trade centre. Cringe worthy at best. 4/10 and that's generous. Thought they would have done it with a bit miser taste, as it's one of their biggest tragedies and defining moments.
Dead Man's Shoes. Still a 10/10.

And so he should, it's not about pirating it, do what you want I don't care.

It's about standards, in the console forums you are not allowed to talk about games before release unless you provide proof of ownership.

Should be no different in this section.

...and videos that contain swearing seem to be allowed in 'Motors' but deleted anywhere else. It's just one of those things. Get over it.

Keeping up with my recommended Marvel chronological viewing:

Agent Carter - Marvel One Shot

Short and to the point, not bad.

The Incredible Hulk

Again, solid enough effort, though Liv's breathy voice is a bit annoying.

Stan Lee's cameo good as always, other cameo was unexpected and got a chuckle :D

TinTin and I though it was awesome, the detail was way beyond what I expected, I wish more animated movies come out with this much detail.


Not bad, but it didn't really grab me. Loved the art style for Asgard, love Natalie (and forever will!!), and think they got the casting spot on for the most part, but the Warriors Three were terrible. Fandral should be sexy and dashing, Volstagg should be mega-fat, and Hogun should have had a black, short beard.

Flags of our fathers,

Thought the start of the film was a bit poor, only got into it at the end - 6.5/10

Heard that there is another by Clint Eastwood which shows the same experiences from the Japanese POV. Worth a watch?

I agree, "Letters from Iwo Jima" was much better (IMO) than "Flags of our Fathers". It is also rare to find a depiction of war fom an non-allied POV that doesn't display them all as stereotyped monsters. Give it a go.

For myself, I caught a showing on "Edge of Tomorrow" last night. I really ernjoyed it. Good action, splashes of humour throughout (Kimmel's 'uniform' cracked me up) and a fairly sensible and engaging story line. The ending was pure Hollywood and didn't realy explain how it ended as it did but that enabled me to put my own spin on it during the inevtiable post-move chat with the wife so that became a positive point too.
Fairly stark nods to D-Day though. :) 7.5/10 from the wife and I.
The Amazing Spiderman 2 = 7/10 it was okay, CGI was amazing, a few cheesy scenes, not Jamie Foxx's best film. Loved the last 20min, fight scene was nice.
He must have loved the "terribly Good" season that SyFy ran last week then. Some absolutely stinkers in there (Bermuda Tentacles, Poseidon Rex etc).
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