What film did you watch last night?

Went to see guardians of the galaxy yesterday - couldnt recommend it more, had a lot of fun watching it, thought the comedy was spot on, and the casting is pretty much perfect (was sure on some choices but im a convert now) - dwd a must see.
New Spiderman 2 3/10, maybe.

Awful story, woeful dialogue, poor action, Emma Stone is a positive but that is about it. So many fights drawn out with him attempting to be witty but nothing he says is actually funny, at all. He's got no comic timing though in fairness to him, woeful woeful script.

The story randomly jumps forwards and makes constant illogical steps

Osborn's dad dies, at what you presume is 65+, from a genetic thing, and the kid has JUST started to have a little tremor, so instantly wants to risk his life for no reason because it suits the script.

Even if you do something like a scene where he talks to the scientists, they take his blood and determine he has a worse form that will kill him in a year... anything to explain it. Instead he sees a single video, reads no research, consults no one in his company with thousands of staff and despite the fact his dad died, with all this on hand, who had zero choices left and clearly didn't think it had any chance of working he jumped right into potentially ending his life instantly when the only thing established was, he might have a tremor then die at 60+.

The Rhino suit and the like was awful, the ending was awful. The Rhino suit randomly stops firing because a kid is there, then starts pounding the ground when Spidey stands there, who randomly decided to talk at him through a megaphone... he wasn't shooting Spidey because????? How many times did they do the bullet time thing in the film, at least three. Avoiding rockets, bullets and electrical... beams.

The entire power station fight was abysmal, the whole film was abysmal. "I had to come, I know the specs of the power station, I know how to restart it"..... walks inside..... presses big reset power button............................................................ seriously?

If you do the whole "I know how to restart it thing", then have her pull a few switches, and type in some codes and actually make that a realistic thing. But the film was full of that, incredibly poorly done things, woeful script and characters that weren't even slightly believable. Great films have characters that make sense, and it was so easy to make the power station hard to shut down and believable that she was needed. Or as above, two seconds it took me to come up with a scene that explains why he'd be in a rush. Woeful characters and utterly stupid decisions. This is film making where a crap director writes a few action scenes, then writes a script to get from action scene A, to B, to C, to the end.

Spiderman could easily be made into great films, seriously good source material but they keep casting stupid people and picking the worst stories and the worst ways to tell them.
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Complaining because a superhero film isn't believable... is barely believable in itself :p

Really? The world say superman is set in is simply earth, with a man who from another planet in OUR atmosphere, can fly and has super strength. This is explained to us, there is a reason given. It doesn't matter if the reason is scientifically accurate. The point is that as part of the superman story, we're told why he has powers.

Just as useful in a good story, is being told why someone wants to risk death and ignore all the risks.

AS I said, a simple scene explaining that the kid has a worse condition and has only a few months to live explains why he would behave like he does..... but we aren't told this, we are told he has the same condition as his dad, who led a full life and died at a pretty old age.

Jumping from that to taking something that would have a very high chance of killing/harming him made no sense in terms of the story. It was just a badly told story.

Every story in some way establishes why something is different from our "normal" world. First spiderman, we're told his dad worked on genetics/gene splicing, he got bitten by a spider, we are explained precisely how he got his superpowers and why he is different to other people. Imagine Spiderman where one day he's being bullied and the next day he has the power of spiders, but they don't explain why or how he got that way..... that is what we're talking about here.

The characters throughout jumped from one extreme to another, with no explanation, no story telling, no build up to a change. It was awful, it's believable that someone might risk their lives to save themselves, but you need to establish that their life is actually at risk to make it worthwhile.

It's really awful film making, I want scene C, so I'm going to do it, I won't explain or let the character grow, I'll just jump to the next stage with no link to the previous scene. Effectively his character changed from one scene to the next for no reason at all.
Noah 7/10 - Entertaining! I'm not entire sure I understand how those people are supposed to repopulate the earth but that's religion for ya I suppose.
Winter soldier found it very meh served more as background noise

problem is that its so wrapped up in the avengers now that whenever something happens that puts them in trouble your always thinking "Why not call stark and get iron man on the case"

if you remove all the avengers from your mind id give it a 6/7 out of 10.
The Avengers

Only 2 years late, but bloody hell that was brilliant! Oozed Whedon, got more laughs out of me than most dedicated comedies. My only real gripes is that Smulders makes a crap Hill, and that it is a shame Norton wasn't Banner (new guy isn't Banner-like at all, he seemed to be channeling Leonard from Big Bang :p).

Guardians Of The Galaxy

We today with the 2 kids (12 and 7) nice visuals, characters are great and easy to connect with, nice surprise that Dave Bautista character, Drax the Destroyer was well acted as he could have been the weak link but really liked him. Rocket, Star Lord and Gamora all really well done, Groot is the kids favourite. Good action, decent amount of humour and overall a nice antidote to the usual superhero movies which are feeling a bit tired in my opinion. Great that it's mostly set in space too.

Solid film overall
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