Osborn's dad dies, at what you presume is 65+, from a genetic thing, and the kid has JUST started to have a little tremor, so instantly wants to risk his life for no reason because it suits the script.
Even if you do something like a scene where he talks to the scientists, they take his blood and determine he has a worse form that will kill him in a year... anything to explain it. Instead he sees a single video, reads no research, consults no one in his company with thousands of staff and despite the fact his dad died, with all this on hand, who had zero choices left and clearly didn't think it had any chance of working he jumped right into potentially ending his life instantly when the only thing established was, he might have a tremor then die at 60+.
The Rhino suit and the like was awful, the ending was awful. The Rhino suit randomly stops firing because a kid is there, then starts pounding the ground when Spidey stands there, who randomly decided to talk at him through a megaphone... he wasn't shooting Spidey because????? How many times did they do the bullet time thing in the film, at least three. Avoiding rockets, bullets and electrical... beams.
The entire power station fight was abysmal, the whole film was abysmal. "I had to come, I know the specs of the power station, I know how to restart it"..... walks inside..... presses big reset power button............................................................ seriously?
If you do the whole "I know how to restart it thing", then have her pull a few switches, and type in some codes and actually make that a realistic thing. But the film was full of that, incredibly poorly done things, woeful script and characters that weren't even slightly believable. Great films have characters that make sense, and it was so easy to make the power station hard to shut down and believable that she was needed. Or as above, two seconds it took me to come up with a scene that explains why he'd be in a rush. Woeful characters and utterly stupid decisions. This is film making where a crap director writes a few action scenes, then writes a script to get from action scene A, to B, to C, to the end.
Spiderman could easily be made into great films, seriously good source material but they keep casting stupid people and picking the worst stories and the worst ways to tell them.