What film did you watch last night?

watched arsenic and old lace as part of the imdb 250 challenge, not quite sure what the plot was but it was a decent film, was a tad long at 2 hour and started to get restless near the end.
The Tigger Movie (honest!)

only 5/10, as for a disney movie, its pretty poor! Nowhere near as memorable as some other disney classics. Would have been less, but I actually like Tigger!
Dorian Gray

The GF picked it up, knowing absolutely nothing of it, just thinking "that looks OK".

Neither of us knew the plot, the premise, or indeed anything about it!

Very pleasantly surprised. Not our "usual" type of film, but very enjoyable nevertheless.

Just done a search for it on here, it seems it's not a good representation of the book, but, given that we didn't know about that, we watched it as a film in its own right, rather than as an adaptation of a book - and because of that, we enjoyed it.

Much like Inglorious ********, another we've watched recently - very impressed and something completely "out of character" to the films we'd usually choose.
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