What film did you watch last night?

300: ROAE...rubbish, loved the first, this was disjointed, badly acted, un-engaging...think i've just been spoilt since the first 300 came out with the likes of Spartacus. 5/10
Gone Girl 9/10. Great film, very will done as always by Fincher, very good director. Good plot and twists, not sure Affleck was the best choice in this unless it's was just a bad performance, can't quiet put my finger on it. Pike however turned out to be amazing imo, reminded me of Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
It'll be interesting to see how well Batman does at the box office.

After the hatred Superman received along with the phenomenal Nolan trilogy... it's not going to be easy!

Let's hope the hatred Aflec is receiving could be as profoundly reversed as Heath Ledger playing Joker right after Brokeback Mountain. You'd be foolish to think he doesn't have the potential.
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Nymphomaniac Volume 1.
Suprised to see this (and vol2) have appeared on Netflix.
I think if you like Lars Von Trier films you'll like this. I do so I did. :p
Sin City ADTKF - Pretty meh, but it did keep me entertained for its run time and the special effects are still very cool, even though they're not original anymore. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the best part of the film for me. 6/10

500 Days of Summer - Really enjoyed it, clearly on a bit of a Joseph GL rampage... A rom com but one that any guy that likes a good movie with enjoy. Thought it was really really good! 8/10

Pompeii - don't get me started... Kit Harrington was the only remotely good part 2/10

Memento - pretty damn confusing, but superb in its own right 9/10
A Prophet - finally got around to watching this after a lot of recommendations in this thread a good while ago. What a film! Very well made and powerful. A French prison drama, in French, about an 'Arab type' guy (it is that generic, no detail is really given) starting a six year sentence, there is no backstory at all and the characters are mostly pretty nasty but it gets into you! 4/5
Let's hope the hatred Aflec is receiving could be as profoundly reversed as Heath Ledger playing Joker right after Brokeback Mountain.

Would Ledge have got the cult following, had he not died in a drug overdose?
I just can't see Afleck doing well as a superhero, or as a man who all the girls love and all the men want to be. He tried this. He succeeded in Armageddon, but after that few people liked him as a hero. When he released his first superhero movie (Daredevil, which I actually liked), people didnt like him. Once Gigli was released (with J.Lopez, who at the time was regarded as one of the most desirable women in the World), it was gameover. It took 9 years when he released Argo (where he played an everyman - not a hero) and he is now back in favour. Consider that he had to produce and direct Argo himself, to get the project off the ground. Had another team made the movie, I doubt they'd choose Afleck to star.

In 2015, I believe the next Avengers movie is out, which is why Batman vs Superman movie has been moved to 2016. Warner Bros dont want to go up against that juggernaut.

Batman vs Superman will be interesting.
Afleck who nobody likes a hero, will star.
WB will pump huge amounts of cash into the movie.
Will it be a success?
XMen, days of the future past.
Everytime Mystique was on screen - I was bored. Not one interesting scene with her.
Most of the movie is set in 1973 and the pace of the movie in the past is slow.
When we switch to 2023, the pace of the movie is very fast...which I like. And in the future, there is no Mystique! Excellent.

I'd liked to have seen more of life in 2023.

Blink and Quicksilver were without doubt, my favourite characters.
Sentinal of the future were unbeatable and brilliant.

I still dont understand why they needed to release young Magneto - I'd have left him in jail and gone straight for Mystique.

And why didnt we see more of Bisop? This guy is one of the more interesting characters and he barely speaks.

They could've deleted Mystique, young Magneto and Wolverine and brought in Bishop and perhaps, even Cable.

I wanted to give this 10/10, but due to the above problems, 7.5/10.
Calvary - Absolutely loved it, incredibly charming and moving for me. Brendan Gleeson was flawless and I never would have expected to see Chris O'Dowd playing that sort of character. Really really great. 9/10
Guardians of the galaxy - 7/10

All in all a good entertaining film. Can't think of anything particularly bad about it and can't really think of anything amazing about it. I remember a few weeks back when it first come out - people on here were going crazy about how amazing it was and giving it super high marks/10. Don't really understand the hype but a fun entertaining film nonetheless.
A Walk Among the Tombstones

Good film. A slow burn and whilst it is very much a "Taken" clone I thoroughly enjoyed. 8/10.

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