What film did you watch last night?

It's definitely up there, just a shame the last third goes all weird. Still absolutely stunning though. Really want to get the blu-ray, as I've been really wanting to hear Brian Cox's commentary. But I don't have a blu-ray player.

You can get a decent player for like £40 second hand - get it sorted!
Twister as after seeing into the storm I had to compare. Considering it was 1996 the CGI is still amazingly good and It barely looked aged at all for me watching on my Projector at over 100"

The only flakey part was the start with the cgi earth with textures from 1990 :D
Shame - 7/10

First time I've really seen anything with Michael Fassbender. Wasn't so much the gratuitous sex that grabbed me (although it was good :p) as Fassbender's acting. He really knows how to convey anger and a troubled mind with such great intensity.
Twister as after seeing into the storm I had to compare. Considering it was 1996 the CGI is still amazingly good and It barely looked aged at all for me watching on my Projector at over 100"

The only flakey part was the start with the cgi earth with textures from 1990 :D

Except the actors. :(

To think, when it was getting filmed, Helen Hunt was likely 31 and by the time it was in Cinemas she was 33.

It's actually a good horror but the trailer makes it out to be scarier than it actually is. A twist at the end compared to the usual outcome of this sort of film.

Gets a 7/10. Would be 8 if it lived up to the trailer.
finally got round to watching Thor - The Dark World. - 6/10

Not sure why, but didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the first. Maybe its because Ben & Holly has made the term 'Elves' really not very menacing? Still, wasn't a bad watch.
22 Jump Street. Some good gags but didn't connect with it as much as the first. Dragged on a bit too. 6/10.

Edge of Tomorrow. On paper the plot sounds daft but it was actually done quite well. It kept me entertained, although the IMDB and RT scores are way too high at present. 7/10.
Went to the cinema and watched Fury.

7/10 as not enough action for me. But my love of WW2 films will mean this will be added to the Blu Ray collection.
Zombeavers not sure/10.

Yes it's totally stupid, the effects are terrible and it's bad buit bad in a good way I think.

It has boobs and a great line of dialogue that makes me, overall, enjoy it.

"we can't turn on each other, it's what the Beavers would want"
Scottish movies last night.

The Angels Share. A great film about whisky and young offenders. It's a really good story and the character development is superb. I think it's a great film. Loads of swearing, as you'd expect from a film made mainly in Glasgow. Go and watch!

Sunshine On Leith. A film about two returning soldiers and their struggle to fit back into society. Set to music from The Proclaimers. It's a musical, and it's as camp as anything but it's great fun and had me smiling throughout. My girlfriend hated it though, go figure!
The Angels Share. A great film about whisky and young offenders. It's a really good story and the character development is superb. I think it's a great film. Loads of swearing, as you'd expect from a film made mainly in Glasgow. Go and watch!

It is a great film. Apparently the guy that plays the main character had no formal acting experience.... just a pretty hard upbringing!
The Judge

Watched this without knowing what it was about, heard a review by the Radio 1 critic, said it was the best thing he'd seen all year.
Was expecting more tbh. Duvall was great, but that's a given, RDJ was RDJ, tbh he's just Tony Stark in a another disguise, has been in a lot of films I've seen him in. Don't think he worth of anything to speak of in this film, other characters in the film were decent but the story didn't capture me particularly.

It's watchable, but average.
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We Need to Talk About Kevin - 7-8/10

Really like the way it was filmed. Tilda Swinton was excellent also.
Over the past week.....

Bounty Killers - silly, a bit rubbish, 4/10

The Human Centipede 2 - Absolutely ghastly, gross, harrowing 7/10

Enders Game - meh, nice visuals though 5/10

Frozen 3D - what a let down after the hype 4/10

Cheap Thrills - excellent, very dark and twisted humor 8/10
Frozen was a huge let down for me.
And one thing I cant understand - why didnt anybody tell me that this movie was a damn musical? I hate musicals!!!
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