What film did you watch last night?

Demon Warriors - by the guy that did Ong Bak. 5/10. Average. Lacked real driving plot in my opinion also you don't notice any of the fight scenes unlike Ong Bak.
The Fourth Kind

Was pretty entertaining actually, even if the "actual recordings" and articles shown were faked.

The music/sounds were great, very direct and the ambience/bass was fitting.

6/10 for lack of truth in the "based on actual events" it claims to employ.
The Fourth Kind

Was pretty entertaining actually, even if the "actual recordings" and articles shown were faked.

The music/sounds were great, very direct and the ambience/bass was fitting.

6/10 for lack of truth in the "based on actual events" it claims to employ.

Really couldn't take that film seriously. Thought it was proper arse.

Final Destination IV, Why do they still make films like this?

For the same reason people keep watching them.

If it weren't for the attractive female lead I'd given up in the first 10 min.

Which you've now just identified. Although Final Destination 2 was pretty good.

The film I watched was Cashback. The nudity was more explicit than I was expecting and there are some really neat visual touches. Its an enjoyable love story but maybe became too formulaic towards the end.
I watched The Crazies.


Just got back from watching it myself...ermmm mediocre film in all honesty...just another run of the mill zombie flick...id give it a 6/10 tbqh...if anyone else is thinking about going to see it...save your money and wait till it comes out on dvd:p...its not worth the price of admission in all honesty.

Watched the new Travolta movie the other night and i thought it was pretty damn awesome...Travolta definitely steals the show...highly enjoyable flick but requires you to switch your brain off and sit back...id give it a 8/10.
Doubt. I am not a fan of Mery Streep and she is particularly Streepy in this claustrophobic tale of repressed Catholicism in 1960s America, but she does it well so fair play to her for that. In this movie she plays an obsessive, guilt-ridden nun (or, to put it another way, she plays herself).

Philip Seymour Hoffman is superb as the sensitive, homosexual priest who infuriates Streep by not being interested in gay altar boys. Amy Adams gives a fine performance as the timid, sexually frustrated nun disturbed by her latent lesbianism (practically the entire film is about sex, it's quite disgusting).

Viola Davis is the black working class mother who wants Hoffman to have his wicked way with her son for a few months so he can get into a good high school. Her climactic confrontation with Streep is deeply moving.

Neville Gorman shows off his walk-on skills as an extra in the Davis/Streep scene and manages to provide essential context without upstaging the foreground. He is credited as "Man with Beagle".

Overall, an excellent movie, if somewhat disturbing in parts.

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Public Enemies. A disturbing post-feminist morality play about violent men and the women who love them! :eek:

Johnny Depp stars as the troubled young man with a damaged relationship and an on gain/off again moustache. Marion Cotillard shines as the cynical girlfriend with a fur fetish.

Christian Bale delivers a brief cameo performance as misogynistic cop Melvin "The Perv" Purvis, but struggles to convey the emotional nuances required by this deceptively simple role.

Thrilling period drama with a vivid social meta-text!

Fellowship and Two Towers last night. RotK today.

Was annoyed though, 20 minutes from end of Fellowship got an email from Warner Bros about th blu-ray release in April!

I like the films but not THAT much, wish I had waited to watch them when they came out on blu-ray :p
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