What film did you watch last night?

The Grand Budapest Hotel - I did enjoy it but didn't see what was so great that they were practically throwing Oscars at it.
The Mechanic - 4/10. I would have given it 5/10 but I am deducting a point because they completely messed up when they were talking about what medicine to use to kill someone and it just smacked of poor research.

They sometimes do that on purpose with things like that, poisons, explosives, etc.

Just watched predestination - while its slow and actually quite predictable I quite liked it, the middle reveals even though I saw them coming still gave me a reaction though by the end not so much. The paradox (albeit a very old one) was kind of a cool touch while it'll never have the same cult status I'd rate it up there with the likes of fight club.
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Having played the drums many years ago, I was looking forward to watching this, and I wasn't disappointed. Fantastic film. Great performances, and a fantastic ending!
Rock of Ages

Much better than I was expecting, pretty suggestive/raunchy when you assume any musical is aimed at kids. Lost it's way a bit near the end, but overall some great songs and funny jokes.

Fury...loved it, great action and performances throughout. The scene at the dinner table sticks in my mind more than anything else though. 9/10...even Shia was decent.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

A lot better than I expected tbh - the only thing that started to grind on me was the sheer number of times the word "Mockingjay" was used - love to know the count! :eek:
No Country for old men - 7/10

Second time I've watched it, as the GF wanted to see it. It doesn't hold up so well for the second viewing, and the monologues by the old timer texans are as confusing as ever. Still, its a good watch, as long as you don't fall asleep during the quiet bits - which the GF did do.
Total Recall remake: It got some marks for the SFX, but how can it have less coherence in the story and characters than the Arnie version? No Mars, no aliens, no mutants, etc. What a big old mess... it just shows what happens when you let the clueless do movie remakes. Hard to believe that Arnie comes out so well against "proper" actors who have no charisma on-screen.
Cub (aka, Welp) (2014).

Sam, 12, is in trouble: his entire "Pathfinder" scout troop picks on him - and worse. The leader, Peter, is the worst of all. He seems to find a sadistic pleasure in humiliating Sam. This year's trip is to a woods near the French border where a curious legend named Kai is said, around the campfire, to make mischief. But when Sam finds that Kai is no legend and that he makes more than mischief, no one believes him

It got a 6.2 on iMDB but I feel it deserves a 7. Only a shade over 530 people have rated it though and it is a subtitled film so I guess I can only expect so much.

It's a well presented and well acted slasher horror. Well worth the watch for fans of the out in the woods killer/monster/deranged genre.
Mr. Turner... J.M Turner has always been a huge hero for me (I paint for a living and his work has been a major inspiration) despite the fact he was quite an oaf... There are plenty of accounts of his rather objectionable personality and behaviour, sometimes being descried as something of an animal, and its this aspect Spall has nailed to perfection. His grunts and groans, his sexual habits, and his appearance are all grotesque and animalistic (and very funny) yet there is something very sympathetic in his character that makes this film brilliant and keeps you watching for two and a half hours [though I think it would have been better if shortened and tightened somewhat]

A film about an artist, but certainly not arty-farty … 9.5/10 … Looks bloody amazing too.
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All This Mayhem (2014)


Amazing documentary revealing the story of the Pappas brothers, two of the worlds best skateboarders who came from working class burbs of Australia.

I'm not a skater, never have been but saw this mentioned on another forum and had to give it a whirl, so glad I did.

10/10 from me, simply because it pulled no punches and was honest to the end, got me right in the feels at points.
The Voices

One of the best black comedies I've seen in a while, had me in stitches in parts, even the most subtle jokes. Great cast to boot.


No country for old men - what an entirely dreary film. I'm actually surprised I managed to sit through it (it took two sittings as it was). 2/10. I gave it one more point than After Earth because that was just s***.
Not so much a film, but I watched 'Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds: The New Generation' over the weekend.

I didnt think I would like it but it was awesome! The music and video were brilliant - 9/10

There was another tour last year, had I known I would've gone and seen it had I watched this sooner.
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