What film did you watch last night?

Does CitizenFour count as a film?

Was interesting enough seeing the other side of the story but realised at the end I didn't really learn a right lot I didn't know already.

Also congratulations to Aviva for putting their 'insurance saving' car tracking spying app advert right in the middle of it.
Birdman 1/10

No idea what that was all about. Another Oscar winning masterpiece.

Common misconception about this film is that its about an actor seeking resurgence and revalidation which while is the main story isn't the point of the story at all.

It's about artistic integrity and succumbing to the pressure of studios, executives and anyone in the business to make money. It also demonstrates problems with the film industry as a whole and the dark side of film criticism.

Which is all pretty ironic since the critics, and the oscars academy themselves praised it.
Wild Card

If you like Jason Statham then watch this. If not, give it a miss. I actually like his films and this was basically more of the same. Turn your brain off and whip out the snacks.
I watched Knights of Badassdom.

From a pure film point of view I'd give it about 6 out of 10.

From a "is this likely to be good to watch with a bunch of friends during a break from wargaming, and slightly drunk" point of view it'd probably be an 8.

Utterly silly, the VFX are at times laughable (almost sci-fi channel, or leprechaun bad), but it made me laugh.

Literally bored the **** out of me. I went to sleep, mrs stayed up and watch it and said it was awful.


Based on a true story. I found it a very slow moving film but I stuck with it till the end. Steve Carrel's (He plays John Du Pont) make up was quite amazing, he looked completely different and his mannerisms and speech were perfect. Worth a watch.
Well, whoooosh is all I can say to you if you think it's that basic :)

To be fair like i already said, i fell asleep. (because is was boring me)

Last thing i remember was where he bribed her into sex and then it all went downhill as the other guy had 2 vans on the go.... Boom gone ZzzZZZzzzZZZzzz


I'll not pretend it's high art or entirely coherent anything, but it's a charming, well-made, swashbuckling faery tale with dashes of high fantasy and low cunning. Exactly the kind of film you want when you're off work sick.
Watched 50 shades of grey cos the missus has read all the books and insisted !
Utter drivel from start to finish...I think I would sooner watch 2 broke girls and that's saying something.
Even the missus thought it was pap.
0.2/10 because there's boobs in it, yay.
Can anyone recommend a good film like House of flying daggers, Crouching Tiger etc...
I love all those types of films.
Just noticed this on wiki:
it was announced that this sequel (C.T.H.D.)will be released simultaneously on Netflix and select IMAX theatres on August 28, 2015.


I'll not pretend it's high art or entirely coherent anything, but it's a charming, well-made, swashbuckling faery tale with dashes of high fantasy and low cunning. Exactly the kind of film you want when you're off work sick.

I watched that last year with the kids who decided to bugger off after half an hour, leaving me to watch alone - I thought it was great.
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