The Limits of Control
Saw it free tonight courtesy of a friend with a press pass but even with that I felt I wasted 2 hours of my life. The entire thing could easily condensed into 10 minutes. The rest of the movie is the same scenes, repeated 4 times in different locations with crap ending. During the 2 hours i saw half of Spain's country sides, seen enough random flats' interiors and the main character doing crap Tai Chi.
I knew it wsa bad when I looked at my watch thinking it's must've been at least an hour by now but it was only 20 min in. I was boreddddd, I remember i looked at the ceiling of the theatre, looking around the audience to see if anyone had fallen asleep, god knows I almost did.
Be warn people, there are arty movies and there are some who takes the art too literally they have shoved it up their bum up to their head and now think it's gold. God knows how it got the cast it does, Bill Murray and John Hurt to name a few because the movie is utter cack.....It made no sense, it has no plot, it barely has any dialogue (not that its a bad thing, ala Wall-E), but this is just a Snooze fest. It makes Mullholland Drive look logical !
Avoid avoid avoid !!!!
1/10 (the 1 is for a fit brunette turns up about 30 min into the movie naked and do nothing else but stays naked).