What film did you watch last night?

Zombieland - 9/10. Seen it enough times before but caught a bit of it on Watch last night and decided to pop the Blu-ray in and watch it properly. Still great. Also, Emma Stone.
End of Watch - 4/10.

Having seen people's reviews of this before in this thread, I was expecting something enjoyable.

However, I've not watched something this bad in a while. I found it really cringeworthy at points. The bromance between Gyllenhaal and Pena made me want to switch off and the scenes with their girlfriends/wives were wince-inducing.
The whole filmed footage style of it just didn't work, and the acting of the Mexican gang was truly atrocious.

Watch Nightcrawler or Zodiac for a good Jake Gyllenhaal film.
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