What film did you watch last night?

Kiseijū & Kiseijū Kanketsu-hen. Live action adaptations of the popular Kiseijū manga series, featuring good old fashioned Japanese body horror (but with less emphasis on the traditional tentacle-and-orifice-fixation). Probably best for fans of the manga.

Features Ai Hashimoto (yum!) :D

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Guy H. Richie comes roaring back to the cinemas with this twisty 60s caper comedy starring Andrea Cagliesi and Peter Stark.

Been working away so a couple..

Terminator Genysis - not too bad, couple of nods to the original which was nice. Bit corny in places but a nice paced action film taken on its own. 7/10

Kajaki - I think I've read/seen this story before somewhere? Raw, gritty, moving account. Acting was a little wooden maybe if I'm being critical. 9/10

Jurassic World - read lots of bad things, went in expecting the worst. Was reasonably surprised it wasn't too bad. Unplug the brain and ignore some cringworthy bits and it's not too bad a watch. 7/10
Spoorloos. Grim, ice cold thriller starring Bernard-Pierre H. Donnadieu in his most celebrated role.

Avoid the inferior 1993 Hollywood remake. Spoorloos is still the best.

Spectre - 10/10
Superb film, thoroughly enjoyed. Best Bond yet for me. Bond girls I like! Great film

However the Sony 4K that I watched it in in the Vue cinema was crap. Mabe it was the way the film was shot by Mendes but 4K it wasn't!

-Evangelion, what's with the full names of all the actors? :confused: are you trying to be a critic of sorts?
Spectre - 10/10
Superb film, thoroughly enjoyed. Best Bond yet for me. Bond girls I like! Great film

After really enjoying Skyfall I was quite disappointed in Spectre to be honest - I found myself quite bored in places! 6/10 max for me!

Ant Man 8/10. Enjoyed this, lighthearted and kept me entertained.

Not your usual Marvel fare but still worked imo - 7/10
I don't particularly want to start this conversation again, but I have to ask.

If Salvation gets 8/10, what would you give T1, T2 and T3?

Why can't they get the same rating? It's all about how a person rated the movie at the time of watching.

Isn't that all that matters? If you watch a movie and really enjoy it and get a good 2 hours entertainment watching it, shouldn't it get a good rating? And if you don't enjoy it give it a bad rating.

Of course the other problem I have with this is people telling other people how they should rate a movie. You might not agree with my rating of a movie but that doesn't matter, because it's my opinion of a movie, not yours. My rating isn't wrong just because it's different from yours.
I think you're reading too much into it.
They can of course get the same rating if whoever's rating them enjoyed them equally. As strange as that would be...

It's not about criticising his opinion or telling him what he should or shouldn't like. I'm just curious about how he rates the others if (the generally poorly rated by most) Salvation gets an 8/10.

For example, StevieP up there rates T2 over T1. I think the opposite, but I can't tell him he's wrong, because that's his preference.
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