What film did you watch last night?

It Follows.

Good film, builds up the suspense and atmosphere, no CGI-monster in sight.
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Spectre 6/10
I enjoyed the film, it was a decent bond movie, scoring what a decent bond movie does.
I just feel the hook, and the under theme of the entire film didn't grab me.

Spectre itself, good idea, worked well, interweaved well, enjoyed that concept. Bond going rogue again at the start, seen it a few too many times now. Rehash. Threading back through previous deaths, the reemergence of Mr White, enjoyed that also. the fact someone was spinning the whole thing, playing James along, fine, happy enough with that.
Where I think the missed the mark, was in the culmination, building it all towards this hatred, this question of will he kill him, or let him be captured for information, I just didn't buy it. Even after threading the whole of his life, taking out Vespa, ending M, the Quantum business, fine, but in the end, given who bond is, given the lead up, I think when it comes to shooting the guy, and the big decision to make, I feel simply wouldn't care.
He's a sociopath, a cold hearted device, danger all that in front of him, won't make much of a difference, if big picture means keep Blofelt alive, he simply will. Any other protagonist might shoot (Brad Pitt in se7en built this same premise) but not Bond. He'll kill if he too, won't if he doesn't.
I think it is in this that the film fails.
Gone girl.

Darker than expected! I like Ben Affleck, he will make a good batman. Gone girl is a little disturbing, overall it was a good movie. The end was frustrating and the whole premise does no favours for the perception that all women are bat **** crazy. I did enjoy this though, I found myself feeling quite tense and uneasy throughout the movie.

My gf couldn't believe I hadn't seen Inglorious ********, and I couldn't believe that she hadn't seen Django Unchained, which let to an impromptu Tarantino night over the weekend.

Django Unchained

You sure that's him?
I don't know
You don't know if you're positive?
I don't know what positive means
It means you're sure
Yes what?
Yes, I'm sure that's Ellis Brittle
I'm positive he dead.

Still 8/10 :D

Inglorious ********

Weird seeing a younger, Bizzaro-world 'Schulz', but I was hooked from the beginning. Weirdly, this one didn't feel like a 2.5 hour film at all, it flew by!

Pitt was great, Kruger and whoever played Ms Miuemixwhatever were delicious.

Spectre - 5/10 - Not good, not bad, just average. It doesn't help that all the minor characters now get 25%+ of the screen time rather than a 5min cameo (as per older Bonds) and that really good actors get very little (Monica Bellucci).

I enjoyed the Train fight and Plane skiing but the two final confrontations (crater and London) were very weak for me.
Containment. Warren H. Micklethwaite does the best he can with a threadbare plot. Containment starts strongly with a good premise but quickly loses its way and slows to a crawl in the third, profoundly disappointing act.

Late to the party with Fury but loved it, not a massive gung ho war movie fan but found this to hit all the right notes.

Even Shoe lou boutin wasn't that bad in it.

It was with some trepidation that I went to watch The Lady In The Van tonight and my fears were further confirmed upon taking my seat. The audience demographic, let's say averaged on the old side! However, I take it all back, because older more experienced heads than mine really know how to pick a film.

It was wonderful, heart warming, charming and very funny!

Lady in the van was the best comedy in ages and I'll take this a million fold over any American guff that lands on this side of the Atlantic (coming from somebody who at best smirked once when watching Team America). 8/10 and made me laugh so many times that I lost count after it passed the 6 laugh test. I suspect, rightly or wrongly, that younger iPhone savvy audiences may snub this film, preferring instead the Steve jobs film, which is sad, because Lady In The Van really is a gem and Maggie Smith was brilliant.
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