The Hateful Eight - 8/10 (In-Laws BAFTA society pre-release screener)
Fantastic, if Tarantino is your thing...
The original has to be watched. it is one of those films that everyone that loves a thoroughly good film no matter what part of the world it came from should watch.
Then after that watch I Saw The Devil. Makes Hannibal look like a weekend hobbyist. IMO Some of these Korean filmmakers and actors put out films like these that hollywood can and will never be able to match.
Also throwing in Memories of a murder, Confessions of a murder and The Chaser.
The Raid 2 : Berendal 8/10
Having loved the original i had high expectations for this, it did not disappoint. This and the original easily rate as 2 of my best action movies of all time.
The Raid 2 : Berendal 8/10
War of the Worlds - pretty good retelling if the old story, was quite intense for younger viewers. Tom Cruise hasn't aged at all in 10 years! 3/5