Watched the Hateful Eight last night. I thought it was an excellent movie.
I thought it was too long and mediocre for QT ...
I was expecting more.
Watched the Hateful Eight last night. I thought it was an excellent movie.
I thought it was too long and mediocre for QT ...
I was expecting more.
Brad Pitt isn't a consistently good enough actor to escape the fact that he's Brad Pitt. On his good days he gets away with it, but most of the time he's just Brad Pitt and I can't see past that.
Brad Pitt isn't a consistently good enough actor to escape the fact that he's Brad Pitt. On his good days he gets away with it, but most of the time he's just Brad Pitt and I can't see past that.
I think he's excellent. One of my favourite actors and a good enough reason for me to watch a movie as I assume it's decent if he's in it
Have you watched Moneyball or The Big Short? He's excellent in both. He can do the action star and can act as well IMO.