What film did you watch last night?

The Wolf of Wall street - 8.5 /10

Really enjoyed this, more than I thought I would. Lucky ******* ;)

Salvage - 5.5 / 10

Low budget British horror which was pretty good for what it was. Managed to build a good tension, a bit let down with some bad acting and a naff ending.

The Seven Five - 8 /10

Documentary about the corruption in the 75th precinct police force in the 80's and the dirtiest cop in NYC history, Mike Dowd, with the story being told by the people involved and all the old footage

Very good.
The Big Short - 4/10 - I thought the performances were adequate but I really didn't like the "style" used to shoot this. I actually think "Too Big too Fail" is a much better acted & shot film with a better, clearer narrative and a better understanding of how to put across very complex ideas without resorting to Margo Robbie in a bath or other vacuous celebrities.

Black Mass - 3/10 - Johnny Depp is fantastic but thats the only good thing in this film and, with the lack of decent support from actors who are normally very good, he's just not strong enough to carry the whole film alone. I also thought the story was very poorly written with too many inaccuracies for a True Story where the people involved are still alive and the cinematography was bland (see "The Town" for how to shoot Boston).

Straight out of Compton - 7/10 - I'm a heavy metal fan with zero interest in Rap music but this film held my attention and managed to keep me focused on the people rather than the music, and it's the people/actors that made this story so gripping. I particularly thought that the actor playing Ice-Cube did a phenomenal job, mastering his facial ticks etc down to a T. Well shot with a good understanding of it's target audience, 75% of which I'd guess only know the bare minimum of NWA etc before seeing the movie.

Daddies Home - 2/10 - I don't like 'recent' Will Farrell movies (peaked with Talladega Nights for me) & Mark Wallberg can't do comedy so this film was a waste of 120 minutes of my life. The young girl was pretty good though and some of the physical gags (bike up the stairs) were OK but none of that could drag me away from hating this film.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil - 6/10 - I'm going through the Wilder and/or Pryor back catalogues and this one hasnt aged well. Most of the jokes are still great (fuzzy wuzzy was a woman?) and Joan Severance is still stunning but Richard Pryor looks awful throughout, the story wastes the talent of two comedy legends & the direction is pure 80's cheesey TV/Straight to VHS.

Brewsters Millions - 7/10 - This is still my favourite Pryor comedy film! The jokes are still great, the support acting is competent and the premise makes for a good story, although the forced in love story is pretty weak and un-necessary.
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While We're Young. Pretty good midlife crisis type film. Ben Stiller actually worth watching for once. Amanda Seyfried very nice to look at.
Daddies Home - 2/10 - I don't like 'recent' Will Farrell movies (peaked with Talladega Nights for me) & Mark Wallberg can't do comedy so this film was a waste of 120 minutes of my life. The young girl was pretty good though and some of the physical gags (bike up the stairs) were OK but none of that could drag me away from hating this film.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil - 6/10 - I'm going through the Wilder and/or Pryor back catalogues and this one hasnt aged well. Most of the jokes are still great (fuzzy wuzzy was a woman?) and Joan Severance is still stunning but Richard Pryor looks awful throughout, the story wastes the talent of two comedy legends & the direction is pure 80's cheesey TV/Straight to VHS.

Brewsters Millions - 7/10 - This is still my favourite Pryor comedy film! The jokes are still great, the support acting is competent and the premise makes for a good story, although the forced in love story is pretty weak and un-necessary.

Yeah, Will Ferrell's movies are just going down hill recently. Actually, I haven't really liked any of his movies to be honest :)

Hear no Evil, See no Evil, ah man, I love that movie. It's my favourite Pryor movie!! Thanks for posting as I had forgot about it :) I must sit down and watch it again.
Straight out of Compton - 7/10 - I'm a heavy metal fan with zero interest in Rap music but this film held my attention and managed to keep me focused on the people rather than the music, and it's the people/actors that made this story so gripping. I particularly thought that the actor playing Ice-Cube did a phenomenal job, mastering his facial ticks etc down to a T. Well shot with a good understanding of it's target audience, 75% of which I'd guess only know the bare minimum of NWA etc before seeing the movie.

His own son played Ice Cube, so guess he had a lot of time to study :D
Mitty - I really enjoyed this film; for me it had a lot of charm with nice performances and some great photography in epic locations. 8/10

Goonies - watched it with the kids yesterday. I've seen it before and enjoyed it, but this time it seemed like an hour and a half of kids gabbling and screaming, which got on my nerves. 4/10

Enders Game Horrible over serious kiddy film, lacking thrills, humor or any heart and soul. 3/10
Cop Car - 6/10

Uhm yeah, so that happened, well actually not a lot happened, but I really felt sad for the boys at the end. Not bad, but nothing happens.

Deadpool 8/10

Very very enjoyable film, loved it.
American Sniper - 6/10 Decent enough film. With most films like this, when the expectation is such that there is no big finish, you start to wonder how the film is going to finish. When this does it's a bit disappointing - but not necessarily because of the film itself.
Zootropolis (2016) - 9/10
Colourful, upbeat, comical and entertaining throughout with a good moral message and a catchy theme song.
Although it slows a bit too much towards the end and it ends up labouring the point it’s trying to make, it’s otherwise a fun, funny, vibrant and very well put together animated adventure.

The Huntsman: Winter’s War (2016) - 6/10
A solid performance all round, but with nothing really remarkable about it.
The great looking special effects, well put together action scenes and light hearted comical moments keep the adventure moving, but the overly predictable plot and characters leave it lacking in real substance.
sixtwosix/sonni - I really didn't know, no wonder he was so good :D

Stir Crazy - 5/10 - More Wilder/Pryor, it's not their best film together as the first 3rd is weak and the last 3rd with the Rodeo is really weak but the middle 3rd when they go to prison, wow, that's just golden, brilliant stuff!
The Captive

Eight years after the disappearance of Cassandra, some disturbing incidents seem to indicate that she's still alive. Police, parents and Cassandra herself, will try to unravel the mystery of her disappearance.

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